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Sylvia Trotter Ewens: Taming Grief: The Banana Trees Stand Vigil in Your Resting Place

June 12th - August 16th, 2024
Sylvia Trotter Ewens Leaf Pile
NoteThe gallery is closed for June 24, and July 1st holidays.

The Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery is proud to offer it’s first ever summer artist residency to alumna Sylvia Trotter Ewens (Fine Arts, 2014).  Sylvia will utilize the time and space to advance paintings and work on projections in completion of her MFA (Painting) at Concordia University.

She writes, ‘This is a body of work pulling from writings I’ve made on my time caregiving and experiencing loss after my mother’s passing. In these writings I used the garden as an allegory for these experiences as I tackled the memories of this time through writing and painting as a means to congeal its memory. 

Vernissage: Thursday, July 18th, 2024 at 5:00pm

Cleave, a path in the wilderness by Penelope Stewart

February 18th - March 12th, 2016

Responsiveness to space and an engagement with its architecture, history and ideologies is central to my practice. Recently, these interventions have explored the beehive metaphor in architecture, with connections between the symbolic, political and artistic spin-offs of the beehive. An eco-morphology contemplates the hive, hive culture, desire and loss as metaphor for our utopian aspirations to return to the garden.

Penelope Stewart

 Curated by Natalie Olanick


Penelope Stewart’s website

Correspondences: Yechel Gagnon and Alexandre Masino

January 7th - February 6th, 2016

Correspondences, by Yechel Gagnon and Alexandre Masino, confronts us with the twofold challenge of seeing both distances and proximities between the works of each artist. While skeptics may be surprised at this particular pairing of artists, they will likely be even more surprised, as well as confounded, by the experience that awaits them: they will be gently struck by the wealth and depth of the dialogues that take shape between two bodies of work that, on the surface, have so little in common. 

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