Celebrating our Fall 2024 Award recipients

Meet Dawson’s Fall 2024 award recipients! These students are distinguished by their involvement in student life, commitment to community service, and determination to succeed. Congratulations to our students and many thanks to all the donors, faculty, and staff who make these awards possible.

Award Year
Award Year Fall 2020Fall 2021Fall 2022Fall 2023Fall 2024Winter 2021Winter 2022Winter 2023Winter 2024
Award A. Ross Seaman Memorial Scholarship for LeadershipAdele Ivy McDonald Walton AwardADIQ PrizeAditya Youth Trust Fund ScholarshipAditya Youth Trust Fund Scholarship Honourable MentionAlumnae Association of the Royal Victoria Hospital Training School for Nurses ScholarshipAnastasia De Sousa Memorial AwardAnne-Marie Howlett Memorial AwardAnthropology Book PrizeAQP Student Engagement AwardAward of Excellence in Computer Science TechnologyBerlow Science PrizeBertrand A. Henry Memorial AwardBeryl and Willy Moser Theatre AwardBest Overall Performance Award in Industrial DesignBest Shop Attitude Award in Industrial DesignBest Technical Development Award in Industrial DesignBest Visual Presentation Award in Industrial DesignBourse de promotion des programmes de formation menant aux professions priorisées par la CPMTBruno Mital 'B' Positive ScholarshipBurovision / Knoll Modern Always AwardCAE Tech: Program your career! ScholarshipCampus Life and Leadership Award of MeritCampus Life Leadership AwardCatherine Ward Scholarship for Women's HockeyCentura AwardCentura Award Honourable MentionChapeau, les filles! PrizeComputer Science Dedication AwardComputer Science Leadership AwardComputer Science Perseverance AwardContinuing Education Achievement AwardCRLT Faculty AwardCynthia Hendrickson Memorial AwardDanielle Tisserand Internship PrizeDarkMarLin Biomedical Laboratory Technology AwardDavid Oliver AwardDawson College Perseverance AwardDawson Teachers’ Union Polytechnique Memorial ScholarshipEnriched Science - Outstanding Activity AwardET Foundation International Aluminum Extrusion Design Competition – third placeForces Avenir - Committed Student AwardForces Avenir - Persevering Student AwardFraser Kyle AwardGary Plaxton Memorial AwardGH+A Emerging Designer AwardGlay Sperling PrizeGovernor General's Collegiate Bronze MedalHarry Fainsilber Memorial AwardHaworth + Cime environnement d'affaires AwardHaworth AwardHellenic Studies AwardHighest Academic Standing in Computer Science TechnologyHolly Bockus Outdoor Education AwardJames Mervyn Upham BursaryJeff Barnaby Award for Film ProductionJennifer Harris Memorial Humanities AwardJennifer Maccarone Student BursaryJennifer Manitt Memorial AwardJosie Gotfrit Memorial ScholarshipJourneys AwardLanguages Profile AwardLieutenant Governor's Youth MedalLODA Design Excellence AwardLoran ScholarshipLumiGroup AwardMahsa Amini ScholarshipMichael Hendy AwardMillerKnoll Modern Design AwardMirjerhan Janmohamed Award for ScienceMontreal General Hospital Alumnae AwardMost Professional Attitude Award in Industrial DesignOffice Design Competition Honourable MentionOPPQ Internship AwardOTIMROEPMQ Prize of ExcellenceOutstanding Achievement in Religious Studies AwardPaul Gallagher AwardPrix d'excellence APTSQPrix Étudiant OPTMQPsychology Profile AwardQuebec CPA Order Admission ScholarshipRadiation Oncology Alumni Award of ExcellenceRaymond Ellis Memorial AwardRob Springer Memorial AwardRose Pearlman AwardRoss Paul AwardSchulich Leader ScholarshipSteelcase Canada + Trium Mobilier AwardSteelcase Canada AwardStéphane Houle Memorial AwardTD Scholarship for Community LeadershipTeknion AwardTheo Canada AwardTony Proudfoot Outdoor Education AwardValedictorianValerie Marino "Rookie of the Year" AwardVertual Ltd AwardVictor Knight Memorial Scholarship for PerseveranceWilliam McCallum Memorial Scholarship
Program 3D Animation and Computer Generated ImageryAccounting Principles and Related Computer ApplicationsArts and CultureArts, Literature and CommunicationBiomedical Laboratory TechnologyChild StudiesCinema | CommunicationsCivil Engineering TechnologyCommerceCommercial PhotographyCommunity, Recreation and Leadership TrainingComputer Science and MathematicsComputer Science TechnologyDiagnostic ImagingElectronics Engineering TechnologyEnriched Health ScienceEnriched Pure and Applied ScienceEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesGeneral Social ScienceGraphic DesignHealth ScienceIllustrationIndustrial DesignInterior DesignInternational Business StudiesJourneys: A First Peoples' Transition College ProgramLaboratory Technology – Analytical ChemistryLanguagesLaw, Society & JusticeLiberal ArtsLiteratureMarketing and Management TechnologyMechanical Engineering TechnologyMedical Ultrasound TechnologyNetwork Administration & SupportNorth-South StudiesNursingPhysiotherapy TechnologyProfessional Theatre (Acting)PsychologyPure and Applied ScienceRadiation OncologyScienceSocial Change and SolidaritySocial ScienceSocial ServiceSpringboard to a DCSStudio ArtsVisual Arts