New dates for Fall 2024 coming soon!


  • These workshops are specifically for those students who do not know what they would like to do later on and need guidance.

    To sign up for a workshop, click on the date that best fits your schedule. Once you select this date, you will automatically be signed up for the second workshop, which is the following week on the same day and time. You will need to attend both workshops. A follow up email will be sent with the room number at a later date.
  • Session #1- Career 101

    This workshop goes over the career development process and other tidbits pertaining to career. We will also provide an assessment (Self-Directed Search (SDS)) for students to complete on their own time.

    Session #2- Career Planning

    This workshop goes over your results from the SDS and different career resources that can be used to help identify aspects of the self, matching occupations, education pathways, etc.

    *Maximum number of students for each workshop: 30.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Last Modified: June 4, 2024