“The medium is the message.” –Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)

The Cinema, Video, and Communications Department has three labs and three dedicated general classrooms. Our two Media Labs have high-speed Internet connections and are equipped with Macintosh computers operating an array of video, graphics, sound, and publishing software. The labs also have peripheral equipment for printing, scanning, and image capture. Students may borrow an array of video and still digital cameras, lights, sound recorders, microphones, lenses and dollies.

Each of the media labs is also equipped for high quality presentation of audio-visuals including student work and course material. The larger lab, 3B.1, has a small workroom that can be used for a variety of applications.

The Animation Lab is the third production facility. The lab is equipped with two LunchBox capturing systems, computers with animation software, several light tables, and a table-top shooting stage for 3D animation. Animation students also use Wacom tablets in the media labs for animation software applications.

Our three teaching classrooms are fully equipped for multimedia-assisted instruction.  Each room has a high-speed Internet connection as well as audio-visual playback installations.

The library contains a significant number of cinema and communications titles, magazines and journals, as well as a large collection of audio-visuals materials.

Students also have the possibility of staging large events, such as the end of semester Media Nights.  On-campus facilities may be used to stage gala events where students can present their achievements to a larger audience.

Never treat anything you do as a stepping stone. Do it fully, and follow it completely. ~ Mira Nair (1957 – )


Last Modified: June 15, 2015