The Exit Profile describes the students’ integration of key competencies of the Specific Education and General Education components of the Program.

Graduates of the Electronics Engineering Technology Program will have acquired the professional skills, attitudes, knowledge and judgement necessary for entry into the workplace.

Upon successful completion of the Electronics Engineering Technology Program, graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate appropriate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
  • Communicate effectively in English and functionally in French, in a professional context
  • Use appropriate English and French technical documentation
  • Understand and demonstrate proper attitudes and ethical behaviors, including those essential to professional practice
  • Transfer acquired skills and integrate knowledge across disciplines
  • Work harmoniously in a team and carry out supervisory tasks to successfully complete project undertakings
  • Take personal responsibility for health and physical activity
  • Apply health and safety standards to protect self, co-workers, customers and the environment
  • Apply mathematical knowledge, fundamental concepts of electronics and computer engineering to analyze analog and/or digital electronic systems
  • Use various types of instrumentation and/or analysis techniques to verify proper functioning of electronic systems and subsystems, and correctly use them to troubleshoot problems that may occur
  • Configure, update, maintain and service a networked computer system
  • Design and build analog and/or digital electronic systems using appropriate hardware and/or software solutions
  • Evaluate and document electronic circuits according to industry standards

Students graduating from the Computer and Networks Specialization will also be able to:

  • Install, configure and service a computer and its peripherals according to customer requirements and design standards
  • Install and configure various operating systems as client and/or server stations, according to customer needs
  • Install, configure and service network related devices to operate within a local area network environment
  • Define, configure and manage all the elements of a local area network to ensure reliability of data transfer in a secure manner, and conforming to industry standards

Students graduating from the Telecommunications Specialization will also be able to:

  • Monitor, maintain and service all the elements of a telecommunications system to ensure reliability of all signal types
  • Identify, accurately interpret, and adhere to quality standards during assembly and integration of a telecommunications system
  • Install, configure and upgrade all the elements of a telecommunications system

Last Modified: February 24, 2015