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Successfully Taking Offline Classes Online

From a Special Issue of Educational Leadership titled A New Reality:  Getting Remote Learning Right

Catlin R. Tucker




The keys are prioritizing community and designing student-centered lessons.

Teachers who have taught exclusively offline in a traditional school setting may find the transition to teaching online daunting and foreign. As educators navigate this new reality of school closures, social isolation, and remote learning, it’s important to remember that education and learning encompass more than disseminating and collecting assignments. Learning, at its core, is a social endeavor. People learn through their interactions with each other and the world around them. Given the social nature of learning, educators who are moving their classes online must prioritize community building to ensure their students thrive online.

Continue to full article to read about:

  • Creating a Community of Learners
  • The Social Presence: Cultivating an Online Community
  • The Teaching Presence: Designing and Facilitating Online Learning Experiences
  • The Cognitive Presence: Engaging the Class in Meaning Making
  • Student-Centered Online Learning

Last Modified: May 26, 2020