Blended Courses


The Cambridge Dictionary defines Blended Learning as…

a way of learning that combines traditional classroom lessons with lessons that use computer technology and may be given over the internet:  Blended learning is a way of breaking down barriers to education.

Another definition from is…

Blended learning is an approach to learning that combines face-to-face and online learning experiences. Ideally, each (both online and off) will complement the other by using its particular strength.

A more in depth definition and description of blended learning from the Commonwealth of Learning can be found here.

Blended Courses at Dawson College:

        • Consult the Dawson College Policy on Blended Courses.
        • Consult the application process to teach a blended course(s) during the 2023-2024 academic year here.
        • Dawson is fortunate to have a community of practice with many fellows, who have completed professional development in blended courses. Their portfolios and resources can be viewed on the E-Learning Community of Practice webpage.
        • Additional resources to help with designing a blended learning course can be found below.

Evaluating for Student Learning in Blended Courses

Consider CATs

Consider using Classroom Assessment Techniques or CATs (adapted for online use) to quickly assess for learning (as opposed to assessment of learning) and then follow up with appropriate feedback.

Assessment in Moodle


Assessment in Lea

Creating a Gradebook in Lea  Courtesy: Vanier College

Assessment in Microsoft Teams (Forms)

Setting Time Allotment for an Individual Student(s) on an Assessment in MS Forms

Academic Integrity

Why Students Cheat and What to do About it

Giving Feedback in a Blended Course



Last Modified: November 29, 2023