![Read Full Text: Crowdmark Webinar – August 20, 2020](https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/faculty-hub/wp-content/uploads/sites/182/Crowdmark.jpg)
Crowdmark Webinar – August 20, 2020
Dawson faculty is invited to learn about Crowdmark, an online collaborative grading and analytics platform for instructors. Thursday August 20, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Join the webinar
Dawson faculty is invited to learn about Crowdmark, an online collaborative grading and analytics platform for instructors. Thursday August 20, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Join the webinar
Webinar – Managing Synchronous Class Meetings with Microsoft Teams Supporting the transition to hybrid learning environments When: August 19, 2020 1:00 PM (America/Toronto) Duration: 1 hour Register here The Dawson Teams Yammer Community, moderated by Claudio Calligaris (Photography) is a great source of info about MS Teams! Use your Dawson login to join this Yammer…
Lisa K. Forbes, PhD in Faculty Focus I was in the middle of conducting a research study, examining my own teaching of implementing fun and play into learning, when COVID-19 hit, and we were forced to transition from face-to-face courses to fully online classes. I had to re-think how I would offer a meaningful class…
Click Here to read about the new LEA Features! New Lea features include: A new layout A module that offers three modes of participation for distance classes: Remote, Face-to-Face and Hybrid. Click Here to read about the new LEA Features! For questions about Lea, send an email to: leahelp@dawsoncollege.qc.ca
A Four-Step Plan: The First Day of Class on Zoom -Crystal O. Wong, Faculty Focus Creating a vibrant community is always on my mind, so the very first thing I do on the first day of class is pass around a tray of cookies and ask students to talk about their favorite type of cookie….
By Flower Darby Faculty Focus I’d been teaching online courses for 10 years — and, I liked to think, had become quite efficient and effective in the format — on the day it dawned on me that I was treating my online students as if they weren’t actually people. Most of my university’s courses,…
July 13, 2020 Zahir I. Latheef Faculty Focus When many universities rushed to provide remote instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I leaned on my synchronous experience to train faculty on the pedagogical potential of platforms like Zoom. Training amidst this crisis gave me insights on what instructors new to synchronous teaching struggled with…
June 24, 2020 Abdullah Al-Bahrani, PhD, and Rebecca Moryl, PhD COVID-19 has upended normal social connections that develop between students and professors. We are missing the connections that develop through casual interactions in office hours, pre-class discussions, post-class questions, and any other in-person interaction. These social connections are important for student retention, academic development,…
Discover varied and useful educational resources from the Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD) in just a few clicks! The CCDMD’s educational materials include resources for improving English skills, technical training textbooks and online materials. These materials were developed by your colleagues in the Québec college network in order to meet the specific needs of pre-university and…
If you’re interested in learning about Microsoft Teams, join this online community! The goal is to share best practices, information, tutorials, tip, and events about Microsoft Teams. The Community is open to the whole College. Click here to visit or join this community!
Last Modified: August 20, 2020