- Immunization proceduresThis procedure derives from the requirements of the College Policy on Student and Employee Immunization for Clinical Courses or Internships.
Corporate Affairs
- Procedure for filing complaints related to contract awardingThis document describes the conditions and procedure to submit a complaint related to the tendering documents or a notice of intention published on SÉAO.
- Procédure de dépôt de plaintes relatives à l’attribution de contrats FrançaisCe document décrit les conditions et la procédure pour soumettre une plainte portant sur des documents d'appel d'offre ou un avis d'intention publié sur SÉAO.
Director General
- Capital TimelineThe Annual Capital Acquisition Process defines the critical path for submission and approvals of requests in the Normalised Capital Budget.
- Off-Campus Student Travel and Activities ProceduresThese Procedures and Guidelines are designed to assist in the planning and safe execution of off-campus activities. While these procedures provide requirements and parameters for a number of particular situations, it should be recognized that no set of procedures can address every possible contingency. The persons responsible for an activity should assess the proposed activity according to the applicable circumstances.
- Procedures for a Smoke-free College
- College Credit Card AgreementCollege Credit Card Agreement
Human Resources
- Absences - Non-teaching PersonnelDefines the rules for absences for all non-teaching personel, including managers.
- Absences and Substitution - FacultyDefines the rules for Regular and Continuing Education teacher absences, class cancellations and substitution
- Absences Due to Religious Observances
- Leaves of Absence - Faculty - November 2013 final
- Leaves of Absence - Professionals - November 2013 final
- Leaves of Absence - Support Staff - November 2013 final
- Orientation - Faculty - January 1996
- Orientation - Non-teaching Personnel - January 1996
- Procedures for responding to employee disclosures, reports and complaints of sexual violenceThese procedures are designed to assist in the implementation of the Policy on Sexual Violence, as it pertains to assisting employees dealing with an incident of sexual violence.
- Procédure en cas de plainte ou de signalement de violence sexuelle par une ancienne étudiante ou un ancien étudiant, ou une personne travaillant ou ayant travaillé au Collège Français
- Professional Development - FacultyRevised November 2012
- Professional Development - ProfessionalsRevised November 2016
- Professional Development Policy - Support StaffRevised April 2016
Information Systems and Technology
- Attribution of Computing DevicesThis document describes the procedure and standards for the attribution of computing devices to administrative employees of the College.
- Moodle Terms of Use
- Office365 Terms of UseFor more information about the Office 365 offer and how to enroll, please see the FAQ document under IST - User guides.
Instructional Development
- Academic Standing Appeal: Important Information
- Authorized Absence: Instructions and General Information
Student Services
- Procedures for responding to student disclosures, reports and complaints of sexual violenceThese procedures are designed to assist in the implementation of the Policy on Sexual Violence, as it pertains to assisting students dealing with an incident of sexual violence.
- Procédure en cas de plainte ou de signalement de violence sexuelle par une étudiante ou un étudiant Français