Why Did You Eat It Like That?
The project looks at the shock or disgust or even discomfort we feel when either experiencing or witnessing someone going against food norms.
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A Secular Food Ritual
As the night passes, the rush-hour reaches its peak and the chaos becomes a calculated dance.
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Through My Own Divine Comedy
Finding myself in a dark time of my life, I had let my dreams take upon my sadness to suppress my sense of time. Just like the classic poem says, “I woke to find myself in a dark wood, where the right road was wholly lost and gone”
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Against Nihilism
Nihilism is the number one concern in our world today. Nihilism is the spectre of nothingness haunting our society.
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Politicizing Poutine
Poutine has been described as Canada’s national dish. Given poutine’s origins in rural Québec, these claims shed light on the tensions at play in the ongoing construction of Canadian identity.
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