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Upcoming Events:

nATIONAL dAY POSTER (1024 × 576 px)National Day for Awareness and Action for MMIWGT2S May 2 – May 5

Gathering for MMIWGT2S-May 5th East Grounds

Meet outside on the east grounds for the National day of Awareness and Action.

Drumming, singing, a minute of silence, and space to gather and reflect.

Backpack Program for Indigenous Women-Donation Bin in the Upper Atrium

Donate gently used backpacks and/or donate some of the following items:

Pre-package cheese/tuna


Wet Wipes & tissues

Hygiene products

Face masks





toothbrushes & toothpaste

Red Dress Project-Upper Atrium

Red Dress Day is observed May 5, inspired by Jaime Black’s ongoing art series, the REDress Project, to draw attention to the issue.  Contribute to Dawson’s Red Dress project by adding a red square onto the 8′ dress cut out.  The project can be found in the Upper Atrium.



  • First Peoples’ Week March 28 – April 1, 2022
  • First Peoples’ Week March 29th – April 1st, 2021


Important Documents and Links

Last Modified: May 4, 2022