1. It is very important to understand that language learning is a cumulative process. This means you should attend all your language classes as well as your weekly language labs. It is almost impossible to cram for a language exam!
  2. In addition to your classes and labs, make an effort to study your language material 20-30 minutes every day (7 days a week). Short, daily study sessions help you assimilate a language faster than if you were to study once in a while for hours at a time (e.g. 3 hours, twice a week). Moreover, the benefits of learning to communicate in a new language are well worth the daily effort.
  3. Study out loud. There are many forms of memorization including visual, auditory and motor and by studying out loud you make use of all of them. Speaking out loud will also help you develop proper pronunciation. Try to imitate your teacher and the voices of the native speakers you hear in your labs, so as to speak with a clear and authentic accent.
  4. Be productive. For example, when someone in class is speaking, mentally recite the response along with him/her.
  5. Rather than memorize grammar rules, try to understand and then apply them in exercises such as those in your textbook/workbook.
  6. Memorizing vocabulary does not have to be difficult, time-consuming or boring! There exist enjoyable memory techniques to help you learn new words quickly.
  7. Listen to music in your target language. This brings the language to life outside the classroom and trains your ear to recognize new and unfamiliar sounds. Many songs also provide an insight into the language as it is really spoken in daily conversation.
  8. Attend the language lab on a weekly basis. Your teacher has selected excellent software and audio/video materials to help you develop your listening (comprehension), speaking and writing skills.

Last Modified: July 16, 2015