Courses: Anatomy 1 (144-111-DW) + Biology 1 (101-941-DW)
Eligible students: 1st semester Physiotherapy Technologies
Teachers: Hasler + Calve
Integrated Anatomy 1 and Biology 1. Case-based approach. Required courses for first-semester Physiotherapy students. Understanding the human body not only from an anatomical perspective, but also a biological one, is of utmost importance for future health care practitioners. Biology I and Anatomy I are two integral, foundation courses that introduce students to the human body. Biology I has a focus inherent to the systems of the human body down to their microscopic level of structure, function and organization. Anatomy I focuses more at the macroscopic levels of structure, function and organization. These complementary perspectives and the synchronized curriculum will provide learners with a holistic and integrative view of the human body and its systems (e.g. musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, etc.) The integration of these two courses will enhance students’ knowledge by contextualizing the importance of the structure and function of the human body. This will provide the strong foundation required for future courses in the program and their career as a Physiotherapist Technologist.
For more information about this LC, contact the Physiotherapy Technologies program coordinator.