On Friday, May 12th, the Dawson College Peace Centre was proud to present 25 exceptional students with the Peace Studies Certificate. By completing three Peace Studies courses, participating in a Peace 101 workshop, and devoting six or more (often much more) hours to community engagement, these students graduated from Dawson with a better understanding of peace and non-violence.

The ceremony was held at the Musée de Beaux-Arts in the Inuit Art Gallery, and friends, family, teachers and fellow students came out to congratulate them on their achievements. Some of those achievements include hosting the Dawson Peace Conference, organizing a student-art exhibition to promote peace, and building a “Meal Team” to serve lunch to the guests at Benedict Labre House Mission in Griffintown, to name a few.

We couldn’t be prouder of our Peace Studies graduates, and look forward to what the next batch of peace students will do to make our community a better place!

The full photo album can be viewed on Facebook

Last Modified: June 5, 2017