A Message from Student Services and Human Resources to all Students and Employees
Dawson College sets the record straight
Dawson College wishes to share its response with the community to disturbing and inaccurate media reports last week. The College would usually not comment on such a situation. However, given the sensational media coverage, we feel that it is important to do so.
Earlier this month, the College was informed that a violation of the Policy on Sexual Violence may have occurred. Immediate action was taken.
After an investigation, we conclude that there is no evidence that inappropriate acts were committed and therefore no sanction was imposed on the alleged respondent(s). While this information would normally remain confidential, a bystander chose to bring this to the media making it a subject of public discussion. We have obtained permission from the respondent(s) to share the result.
The media coverage has had a serious negative impact on all people involved. As a higher education institution, Dawson College is bound by confidentiality as are all members of the community, students and employees. Confidentiality is paramount to ensure that the rights of all people are protected.
Members of the College community are asked once again to familiarize themselves with the Policy on Sexual Violence.
If you experience or witness an act of sexual violence:
Contact the Sexual Violence Response Team at svrt@dawsoncollege.qc.ca or at ext. 1112 or come to Room 4E.2 (Student Services)
Contact the Sexual Violence Response Team at: SVRTemployees@dawsoncollege.qc.ca or at ext. 1111 or come to Room 4B.7 (Human Resources)
Dawson College reaffirms its commitment to maintaining a safe learning and working environment.