Donations from inside & outside our community for our COVID-19 Student Fund


Thank you! We asked and many of you responded.

To date, we have received enough support from members of the Dawson College community and from friends outside Dawson to stock our Food Bank for about a week. Nonetheless, the needs are great and we need your help to keep the momentum going.

Based on a survey conducted by the Quality Assurance and Planning Office, about 21% of Dawson students – or 1,700 students – may be experiencing financial difficulties.

The majority declared having difficulty covering basic expenses (food, rent, transportation). Many said their income is insufficient to support themselves.

We would like to keep the Food Bank well stocked and help our students by supplying textbooks and meeting other pressing financial needs when they return.

Donate now to Dawson’s COVID-19 Student Financial Aid Fund so we can provide students the support they need. 

Last Modified: April 14, 2020