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Read Full Text: SPACE students attend NASA workshop at Dawson

SPACE students attend NASA workshop at Dawson

January 25th, 2023

The first workshop on Ices in the Solar System: A Volatile-Excursion from Mercury and the Moon to the Kuiper Belt and Beyond, took place at Dawson College from Jan. 9 to 11. The workshop, the only NASA sanctioned event held outside of the United States, was co-convened by Dawson’s Richard Soare (faculty, Geography) and Jim…

Read Full Text: Appointment of Dawson’s new Academic Dean

Appointment of Dawson’s new Academic Dean

December 15th, 2022

(MONTREAL-Dec. 15, 2022) -The Board of Governors of Dawson College is pleased to announce the appointment of Leanne Bennett as Academic Dean for a term of five years. Currently Dawson’s Dean of Science, Medical Studies and Engineering, Leanne has been at Dawson since 2002 in various roles, including as a teacher of humanities and an…

Read Full Text: DTU Award goes to student with don’t-give-up message

DTU Award goes to student with don’t-give-up message

November 30th, 2022

The Dawson Teachers’ Union Polytechnique Memorial Scholarship is given to a student who has shown a commitment to persevering and overcoming obstacles within their field. This year, the award was given to Fred-Dgennie Louis, a student in Computer Science, who said: “It means a lot and I am very grateful. It was the least thing…

Read Full Text: Dawson students win gold & silver at industrial design competition

Dawson students win gold & silver at industrial design competition

November 30th, 2022

Twenty-eight Dawson students in various programs participated in the very first industrial design contest entitled L’Odyssée de L’Objet en 48h, which took place Nov. 4-6 at Cégep de Vieux Montréal. Dawson students won five of the eight categories on composting, a theme that was only revealed on day one of the competition. Dawson’s gold medalists, 3rd-year…

Read Full Text: Work can overcome talent in math says Harry Fainsilber recipient

Work can overcome talent in math says Harry Fainsilber recipient

November 30th, 2022

The inaugural Harry Fainsilber Memorial Award was given to Parnia Akhavansaffar at the Fall Awards Night on Nov. 24. Several family members of the beloved Mathematics teacher who passed away in 2015 were in attendance. The award was created by the Fainsilber family to recognize a student who has demonstrated perseverance and determination in the…

Read Full Text: Two more students continue legacy of Anne-Marie Howlett’s passion for nursing

Two more students continue legacy of Anne-Marie Howlett’s passion for nursing

November 30th, 2022

At Fall Awards Night on Nov. 24, Susan and Michael Howlett were at Dawson for the presentation of the Anne-Marie Howlett Memorial Award in honour of their late sister and daughter, who was in her first year of Nursing when she passed away tragically 40 years ago. Since then, it is estimated that well over…

Read Full Text: Dawson team reunites to use their CERN particle physics kit prize

Dawson team reunites to use their CERN particle physics kit prize

November 30th, 2022

In early November, there was a reunion of the 2021-’22 Dawson High Energy Particle (HEP) Physics Group. The occasion was receiving (and experimenting with) their prize pack from CERN’s Annual Beamline 4 Schools Competition. Among the 304 teams from around the world, the Dawson team was shortlisted, which earned them a particle physics kit (cosmic ray detector,…

Read Full Text: Teachers involved in active learning share experiences in video

Teachers involved in active learning share experiences in video

November 30th, 2022

Dawson faculty members share their experiences about adopting active learning pedagogy and some examples of how it enriches learning in a bilingual video made on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Dawson Active Learning Community (DALC). The video features interviews with Jean-François Brière (Physics), Daniel Goldsmith (Humanities), Selma Hamdani (Psychology), Carmen Leung (Chemistry), and…

Read Full Text: Five Montreal CEGEPs launch cannabis video series

Five Montreal CEGEPs launch cannabis video series

November 18th, 2022

(MONTREAL – Nov. 18, 2022) – Just in time for National Addictions Awareness Week, five Montreal CEGEPs have launched a cannabis video series entitled Do you know your bud? Each two-minute video answers a question from a CEGEP student: What is more harmful- smoking or eating cannabis? Can using cannabis affect my brain in the…

Read Full Text: Student perspectives on Dawson’s active learning pedagogy

Student perspectives on Dawson’s active learning pedagogy

November 16th, 2022

The Dawson Active Learning Community (DALC) is celebrating 10 years of promoting active learning pedagogy at Dawson. More than 100 faculty members have been part of DALC. Active learning is established as a proven pedagogy that transforms students and teachers. As the anniversary year nears its close, we asked some students to share their experiences…

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Last Modified: January 25, 2023


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