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Vernissage Season begins May 23

May 3rd, 2023

The countdown is on to Vernissage Season at Dawson. Graduating students in Visual Arts, Illustration, Professional Photography, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, 3D Animation and Computer Generated Imagery and Interior Design will present their work in end-of-year exhibitions.

All events are open to all employees and the general public. For the full schedule, visit the link below.

Come see work of Resist Violence class May 11

May 3rd, 2023

In 3B.6 and in the near hallway on Thursday, May 11 between 3 and 6 p.m., you are invited to participate, witness and be moved by the innovative and important work that has been made by this year’s Resist Violence class.

Whether making a political statement with hostile architecture, spreading awareness through paintings, or inspiring us to look at things from a new angle, student artists are working with testimonials, storytelling and performance art. Addressing what it means to be human today, pieces will surely provoke you to reckon with the world the way it is and find a new way to get "Home Safe."

Toward 1,000 species update

May 3rd, 2023

More people are joining Dawson's 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days initiative every week.

The total number of species identified on Dawson's one-block campus is now at 479! For the week of April 17, Dawson's iNaturalist community, Dawson College-Campus Biodiversity Network, there were 31 new species counted, 24 new observers joining the community and 361 new observations. The week of April 24, there were 12 new species, 4 new observers, and 97 new observations.

One of the species added last week to Dawson's count is the Eastern Screech Owl. Photo by Doug Smyth (Physical Education).

Everyone is invited to join this initiative by using the free iNaturalist app.

Professional Photography students staff grad portrait pop-up studio

May 3rd, 2023

The Dawson Professional Photography students partnered again this year with Campus Life and Leadership (CLL) and members of the Dawson Web Group to offer graduation portraits to over 600 of 2023 Dawson grads. The collaboration is an excellent example of communities working together to achieve mutually beneficial goals.

To read the homepage news story, visit the link below.

Meet Dawson’s 2023 Forces AVENIR cohort

May 3rd, 2023

Every year, Dawson has had extraordinary students, teachers and staff who enrich our community with their projects, perseverance and passion.

This year, Dawson is recognizing individuals: student Kitenge Kayembe and faculty member Joel Trudeau for their commitment; and student Fred-Dgennie Louis for her perseverance. Dawson is also recognizing students for their great projects: Narcisse Hassan and Kaligua Rochon for the Dawson Sustainability Project in the Environment category; and students Kiana Lalavi, Shaneli Yaghoubi, Kiera Robak and Lina Adda for The Mahsa Amini Initiative in the Mutual Aid, Peace and Justice category.

The local ceremony will be Thursday, May 4 at Dawson. Both projects are moving forward for consideration at the provincial level of Forces AVENIR. Check the next D News on May 17 for a feature on our 2023 laureates.

Read more about: North-South Soiree brings in over $4,000 for Cuba field trip

North-South Soiree brings in over $4,000 for Cuba field trip

May 2nd, 2023

A true community-building event, the North-South Studies Soiree brought together over 100 attendees, including profile alumni, retired and present teachers, as well as both current and admitted-for-fall-2023 students for an evening of music, friendship, and solidarity. Fred Jones and Ovide Bastien who founded the Profile 30 years ago were in attendance, along with former coordinators…

SPACEweek 2023 is on May 1-5

April 19th, 2023

The second annual SPACEweek will take place during the first week of May. The SPACEweek showcase in 3C.1 will feature work by students from across the arts and sciences who participated in SPACE in 2022-23. It will include displays, demonstrations, interactive activities, student talks and presentations, readings, and competitions. Robotics demonstrations and presentations will be held throughout the week.

Visitors can participate in the showcase by creating alternate versions of famous artworks by following a series of “What if” prompts; casting their vote for the people’s choice award for the ScienceFest 2023 photo contest; joining a series of walking tours around Dawson using the AR Cité app; and writing and answering questions in response to viewing artworks by students.

On Thursday, May 4 we invite all to a reading by the winners of the fifth annual SPACE writing contest, an interactive art activity, and live performances of songs created from the ChatGPT Song Writing Contest.

Highlights from Friday will include a session of virtual talks by renowned planetary scientists— A grand tour of the solar system: from Mercury and the Moon to the outer reaches!—followed by mobile robot navigation challenge races late afternoon.

The majority of the activities will take place in 3C.1. Stay tuned for the full schedule!

Calling all drivers, commuters and passengers to do student survey

April 19th, 2023

Two students in their final year of Mechanical Engineering Technology are hoping to get Dawson employees to think about carpooling as their capstone sustainable project. Step one is the launch of a survey this week and they hope to crunch the data in early May.

“There is still a large number of cars around campus and the parking lot is always full,” said student Vincenzo Pietracupa. “We would like to propose travel solutions that are more sustainable.”

Vincenzo and fellow Mech Tech student Sebastian Serban will take data from the survey to establish potential carpooling groups. The data is only visible to the two students. Employees who live near each other will be matched and then can explore possibilities on their own.

All employees are invited to fill out the survey, including those who use public transit, cyclists and walkers. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the number of employees who ride to work alone in their cars. The students hope to hand their project over to the Sustainability Office to continue promoting carpooling.

Please fill out the Carpooling Service Project survey.

Read more about: Art history teachers come together to rethink discipline

Art history teachers come together to rethink discipline

April 19th, 2023

  For several years, Dawson Fine Arts faculty members Dr. Emma Doubt and Dr. Pohanna Pyne Feinberg have been having discussions about shifting pedagogical and curricular approaches in the art history discipline. “These shifts in the discipline resonate with a global paradigm shift and social justice movements that call for decolonizing education (amongst other systematic…

Contes et causerie à Dawson pour la Francofête

April 5th, 2023

Le conteur et nomade contemporain François Lavallée a fait escale à Dawson le 30 mars pour un événement dans le cadre de la semaine de la Francofête.

«Je pratique un des plus vieux métiers dans le monde, dit François au début de la soirée. Les histoires nous aident à collaborer pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Dans l'ancien temps, le troubadour était le premier à franchir la ligne de l’ennemie.»

«Quand on entend une bonne histoire, on s’accroche. Souvent, on raconte les souvenirs. Quand on raconte nos souvenirs, c’est différent de notre vécu.»

François a partagé un souvenir d'enfance datant de 1986. Après 37 ans, il dit que c'est sa mémoire et son imagination qui lui permettent de faire revivre l'histoire. Il a terminé sa visite avec «Le ruisseau», un extrait de son dernier spectacle

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Last Modified: May 3, 2023


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