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Read more about: Interprofessional Education Symposium

Interprofessional Education Symposium

November 16th, 2022

This past Friday, Nov. 11, 210 third year medical technology and social service students, faculty, and staff participated in the first ever Interprofessional Education Symposium. The learning objectives of the day included conflict resolution, collective competence, collective care, and critical hope. A mixture of active learning strategies, creative writing, discussions, two live theatre productions, guest…

Student perspectives on Dawson’s active learning pedagogy

November 16th, 2022

The Dawson Active Learning Community (DALC) is celebrating 10 years of promoting active learning pedagogy at Dawson. More than 100 faculty members have been part of DALC. Active learning is established as a proven pedagogy that transforms students and teachers.

As the anniversary year nears its close, we asked some students to share their experiences with active learning classrooms. Click Read More to read what the students think.

Read more about: Lunar and Planetary Institute (NASA) workshop at Dawson Jan. 9-11

Lunar and Planetary Institute (NASA) workshop at Dawson Jan. 9-11

November 2nd, 2022

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (NASA) is holding the 1st Workshop on Ices in the Solar System at Dawson College (Jan. 9–11, 2023). The two principal convenors are Richard Soare (Geography), a Mars researcher and Dawson College faculty member and Jim Garvin, formerly NASA’s Chief Mars Scientist and currently the Principal Investigator of the DaVinci Mission…

Read more about: Call for patient partner volunteers

Call for patient partner volunteers

November 2nd, 2022

Did you know that many of the medical professionals you interact with at hospitals and clinics are Dawson graduates? If you have had your blood drawn and tested (Biomedical Laboratory Technology), had an MRI, CT scan or x-ray (Diagnostic Imaging Technology), or received radiation therapy, (Radiation Oncology Technology), you would have surely interacted with a…

Read more about: DawsonAI News Fall 2022

DawsonAI News Fall 2022

November 2nd, 2022

Experiential Learning  The Applied AI Institute at Concordia University is supporting a collaborative project between Concordia Continuing Education and Dawson College to develop experiential learning (EL) opportunities for students interested in AI. A call has gone out to Applied AI Institute members to recruit faculty who are interested in offering students experiential learning opportunities. The…

Read more about: DALC Champion Chris Roderick

DALC Champion Chris Roderick

November 2nd, 2022

Tell me about your experience with DALC. What has been the best part? Community.  (Yes, it’s right there in the name.) Only a very small number of us has any formal training in how to teach.  But the community facilitates something akin to crowd-sourcing of experience gained through experimentation.  With dozens of practitioners exploring alternatives,…

Read more about: Embracing collaboration for the next generation of health professionals

Embracing collaboration for the next generation of health professionals

November 2nd, 2022

During our October study break, a group of faculty from 6 departments – Biomedical Laboratory Technology, Diagnostic Imaging, Radiation Oncology, Nursing, Physiotherapy Technology and Social Services – met to plan for a November 11th symposium, where their third-year students can learn with, from and about each other. The day is the result of a 2-year…

Read more about: Physiotherapy students learn a lot by getting NDG seniors moving

Physiotherapy students learn a lot by getting NDG seniors moving

November 2nd, 2022


Read more about: Celebrating Diagnostic Imaging during Radiology Week Nov. 7-11

Celebrating Diagnostic Imaging during Radiology Week Nov. 7-11

November 2nd, 2022

What do you like best about the Diagnostic Imaging Program at Dawson? What I liked best about being in the Diagnostic Imaging Program was how welcoming and supportive everyone is. Throughout my studies, I appreciated how involved the teachers were in my learning and how the lessons they taught shaped me into a valued member…

Brand new Social Science Program launching in 2023

October 19th, 2022

More than 150 people at Dawson as well as external stakeholders contributed over a three-year process to develop the brand new Social Science Program, which was approved by Dawson’s Board of Governors on Oct. 12 and will be implemented in the Fall of 2023.

Special thanks to: Worku Aberra (Program Revision Committee & Program Revision Writing Committee), Chris Bourne (Program Revision Committee), Selma Hamdani (Program Revision Committee), Cornelia Howell (Program Revision Committee & Program Revision Writing Committee), Cynthia J. Martin (Program Revision Committee & Program Revision Writing Committee), Marianne Pelton (Program Revision Committee) and Lisa Steffen (Program Revision Committee & Program Revision Writing Committee); the Office of Academic Development: Madeleine Bazerghi, Catherine LeBel and Monica Lopez; and Dean Isabelle Carrier.

To see a new promotional video: go to the updated Social Science Program page: 

To learn about the new program: click Read More for the homepage news story.

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Last Modified: January 10, 2024


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