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W/GS Women’s Day fundraiser and button making activity

March 1st, 2024

The Women’s/Gender Studies Certificate faculty and students organized a number of events during the week leading up to Women’s Day and the events continue.

On Friday, March 8 at 10 AM, there will be a Bake Sale fundraiser & Button-making Activity in Conrod’s (2F.4). Proceeds will benefit the Financial Aid Food Bank.

Looking for volunteers to bake and sell goods; sign up here:

Please feel free to bring a class!

Read more about: Brain Awareness Week March 11 – 17 at Dawson

Brain Awareness Week March 11 – 17 at Dawson

March 1st, 2024

Dawson College is hosting Brain Awareness Week March 11 – 17. Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a worldwide initiative aimed at igniting public interest and advocacy for brain sciences. Each March, institutions across the globe organize a variety of creative events within their communities. These activities are designed to showcase the marvels of the brain…

Student wins Silver for Quebec in Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

February 22nd, 2024

It is a pleasure to announce that Sohon Ye, first-year student in Enriched Science obtained the Silver Award - Quebec – Championship, Silver Award - Quebec - Grade 12 or CEGEP in the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge organized by the Canadian Mathematical Society.

The Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) is Canada’s premier national mathematics competition open to any student with an interest in, and grasp of, high school math. It is the most prestigious math competition in Canada, and one of the most prestigious in the Americas. The COMC is the only way to be invited to the CMS’ free, exclusive training camps and compete internationally as part of Math Team Canada!

Sohon was invited to write the Canadian Math Olympiad this year on March 7. Andreea Panait, math teacher and Coordinator of external math competitions at Dawson since 2007, said: "It is an excellent result which is hard to obtain. In my experience of almost 20 years, we have had only one student with a similar result. We are very proud to have Sohon as one of our students in the Science program. In the coming weeks we will be preparing for the Canadian Math Olympiad."

-Thanks to Andreea Panait, Co-Chair of the Mathematics Department

6th annual SPACE writing competition: winners and honourable mentions

February 22nd, 2024

In 2023-2024, SPACE held its sixth annual writing competition. Students from all disciplines across Dawson College were invited to submit writing that offered a personal interpretation of this year’s theme, Uncertainty. The submissions were divided into three categories—prose (fiction and creative non-fiction), poetry and essay—and were judged in a blind fashion by Lois Valliant (retired Faculty, Fine Arts) and Hannah Rahimi (Faculty, English).

Entries were evaluated according to originality and depth of thought, style, arts-sciences connections and relation to the theme. The winners received gift certificates from Argo Bookstore, and the winners and honourable mentions have been published and highlighted on the SPACE website. You can read and comment on their thought-provoking work here.

Stay tuned as well for the announcement of a public reading by the winners and honourable mentions during the first week of May for SPACE Week.

Illustration by Léa Crépeau

Dawson’s solidarity delegation to Cuba

February 8th, 2024

Twelve students and two teachers from the Social Change and Solidarity profile of Social Science returned from Cuba Jan. 15 after a three-week solidarity delegation.

The trip is a close partnership with the Centro Martin Luther King Jr. (CMLK) in Cuba, an organization that promotes local and global solidarity, popular education, and justice. The Dawson group traveled to Havana, Puerto Esparanza, Cienaga de Zapatas, Trinidad, and Santa Clara.

To read what members of the delegation thought of their experiences in Cuba, visit the link to the homepage news story.

More space for Nursing at the Forum

February 8th, 2024

Dawson’s Nursing department has moved into a new home across the street from the main campus on the second floor of the Forum. They join Physiotherapy Technology and Medical Ultrasound Technology, which are also housed at the Forum.

Visit the link for the homepage news story.

Social Science Week is Feb. 12-16

February 8th, 2024

Social Science Week is next week! There is a diverse array of speakers and topics to interest everyone at Dawson’s Social Science Week 2024, from Monday, Feb. 12 through Friday, Feb. 16. All events are taking place in 5B.16 at Dawson and every day concludes with a Cinema Politica film screening at 6:30 PM.

Check out the updated schedule here:

Teachers, please register your class here:  

Student poem captured magic of New School space

February 7th, 2024

For decades, the New School community has enjoyed a special space on Dawson’s 8th floor, which fosters a communal vibe. As we look back on the history of New School, here is a poem that captures the essence of that space.

Visit the link to read the poem.

50th anniversary reunion and celebration of New School April 13 

February 7th, 2024

Dawson’s “novel experiment” New School is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024. That is what The Gazette called New School in an article published in April 1973.

Back then, New School was created to engage students in their own learning and to build communities so that students would not get lost in a big institution.

For the homepage news story including a link to RSVP for the reunion on April 13, please visit the link below.

Costa Rica course: an encounter with Nature and life-changing experience

January 25th, 2024

Twenty-four Dawson students travelled to Costa Rica on Dec. 30 to take a complementary course entitled Ecology & Culture. Accompanied by biology teachers Brian Mader and Tonia De Bellis, the students explored several different ecosystems, including the rare and threatened tropical dry forest.

“This experience will be with these students for the rest of their lives,” Brian said in an interview with Dawson’s Communications Office after he returned Jan. 13. He added that each student has a different answer about what they appreciated best.

To read what the students thought of the experience, visit the link for our homepage news story.

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Last Modified: March 4, 2024


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