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Toward 1,000 species on campus

October 25th, 2023

The Dawson Community continues to observe and log new observations into our iNaturalist community entitled Dawson College -Campus Biodiversity Network.

Everyone is welcome to join and all observations within the Dawson campus automatically count for our 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days.

The current total sits at 817 species on Dawson's downtown city block campus. In the last two weeks, we had:

  • 16 observations
  • 6 new species
  • 1 new observer

Photo: Doug Smyth (physical Education) captured this skunk visiting Dawson.

Sustainable Development Goals artwork by Illustration students showcased by Colleges and Institutes Canada

October 11th, 2023

“The 17 Sustainable Development Goals” illustrated by students in the Illustration program at Dawson won the 2023 student art competition of Colleges and Institutes Canada.

“36 illustration students collaborated on this fanzine project along with Sustainable Dawson,” said Stéphanie Aubin, co-chair of and instructor in the program. “They had to create an illustration that would be evocative and powerful visually. Their illustration could be based on a personal experience or a researched fact. Each student's approach to their subject was different, which makes the project even more unique.”

Three of the winning students shared their thoughts about the project. Visit the link below to read the three interviews and for a link to view the two fanzines of the SDG art.

Night observation session pushes species count to 810

October 11th, 2023

In our goal to get to 1,000 species identified on Dawson's downtown campus in 1,000 days, our total is now at 810 species! Over the last two weeks, there were:

  • 119 observations
  • 22 new species
  • 13 new observers

"A large contributing factor was the Nighttime Biodiversity Observation we did last week," said Brian Mader, project lead and a Biology teacher. "Two teachers, one staff member, five students and one alumnus stayed for sunset and beyond with insect traps to observe biodiversity at night.

"Students were able to observe multiple bats and a skunk! Although the photos were not great for these organisms, students were able to get some nice shots of a House Centipede (Cassiana Silva-Young, Enriched Pure & Applied Science) and a Narrow-winged Tree Cricket (Jacob Davies, Environmental Science).

New video showcases Social Change and Solidarity (formerly NSS)

October 11th, 2023

North-South Studies is now rebranded as the Social Change and Solidarity profile of the new revision of the Social Science program, which welcomed its first students this fall.

Students considering the social sciences are invited to be part of a small and engaged community while making lifelong friendships, learning and working for social and environmental justice. The Social Change and Solidarity profile provides a meaningful introduction to the social sciences, giving students the theoretical and practical tools to understand and analyze the social, political, economic, and historical contexts of the world around them. The heart of the program is a project and trip to the Global South or a hands-on collaborative local project. 

To celebrate the legacy of 30 years of North-South and look toward the future of the new profile, a video was made. It includes interviews with faculty, graduates and retirees.

Visit the link to see the video.

A College Course at Camp?

September 27th, 2023

When we share with colleagues that the Community Recreation and Leadership Training (CRLT) program is taking students from all three years to camp for their Fall Outdoor Experience, we get a lot of varied responses and encounter a spectrum of reactions, from envy to curiosity.

Most people, even those who live for outdoor activities and immersion in Nature, are not aware of the benefits and learnings which take place when the whole CRLT department, students and faculty, pack up for a five-day intensive at a sleep away camp over Labour Day weekend.

Visit the link to read Heather Martin's homepage news feature.

Over 2,000 students attended Humanities conference

September 27th, 2023

The Humanities and Public Life Conference took place from Sept. 18-21. The theme this year was What's the Point? Purpose, Meaning, and Value in Challenging Times. Over the span of four days, over 2,000 students attended 20 different presentations.

Our presenters explored how humanities education can help us to ask the bigger questions that guide our everyday actions, helping us to understand what to value and why. Some highlights included two former Dawson students, Silvia Ortan and Andreas Nicolaidis-Gagnon, who shared how they use what they learned in humanities in their careers (law and social work). Overall, we were reminded once again of the impact that humanities can have in helping us navigate a complex and often bewildering world.  From the rise of white power terrorism to the role that AI will play in creativity, our presenters helped students understand how what they are learning in their humanities courses factors into real-world situations.

We would also like to express our thanks to the Dawson administration, FAMA, the theatre department, and David Bannout.  Special thanks to Diana Rice for coordinating three peace week talks during the conference.  Without your help, we would not have been able to offer our students such an enriching week!

Invitation to Neuroscience poster session Sept. 29

September 27th, 2023

Students from the Dawson Research in Neuroscience Group will present their work as interns in several Montreal labs.  The design of their experiments, obstacles they have encountered and interim results will be shared from a number of projects in the area of Neuroscience.

This session will take place on Sept. 29 from 3 PM to 5 PM in room 3H.10. Everybody is welcome!

Light refreshments will be provided.

Species count on Dawson’s campus now at 772

September 13th, 2023

The Dawson College Campus Biodiversity Network species count continues to grow. The total stands at 772 as of Sept. 13. Dawson aims to identify 1,000 species on campus in 1,000 days.

In the past two weeks, 45 new observers joined the iNaturalist Dawson community and 22 species were added to the count.

Two of the newly added species were:

  • Clouded Sulfur by Ana Sofia Hernandez (Pure & Applied Science student)
  • Pole Borer, pictured, by Lindsymae Corpuz (Cinema | Communications student)

Everyone is welcome to join the project. For more info and how to join, see the launch story:

If you need help getting started or would like to get your class involved: reach out to Brian Mader (, and inquire about borrowing the mobile biodiversity toolkit with field guides, binoculars, iPads with microscopes, insect nets, and much more!

Medical Ultrasound awarded new bursary in May

September 13th, 2023

The Medical Ultrasound Department celebrated the end of last semester with a BBQ for first and second-year students in May. At the event, they presented a bursary to second-year student Elizabeth Neveau.

The bursary was granted by the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie (OTIMROEPMQ), their professional order.

The order established this bursary in 2023, and they offered one to each CEGEP in Quebec with a Medical Ultrasound program.

Dawson’s faculty recognized one student who they felt showed exemplary hard work, dedication and improvement over the course of their studies at the College as well as their excellence in Medical Ultrasound.

Photo:  From left to right: Kieran Bradshaw, Gaëlle Mpiana, Melanie Nash, student Elizabeth Neveau, Cassandra Mofford, Eleni Joannides

Read more about: Acclaimed local author here for Dawson Reads Sept. 27

Acclaimed local author here for Dawson Reads Sept. 27

September 13th, 2023

Hotline – synopsis A vivid love letter to the 1980s and one woman’s struggle to overcome the challenges of immigration. It’s 1986, and Muna Heddad is in a bind. She and her son have moved to Montreal, leaving behind a civil war in Lebanon. She had plans to find work as a French teacher, but no…

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Last Modified: October 25, 2023


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