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Join the Dawson Activity Club & enjoy Indian lunch April 18

April 5th, 2023

The Dawson Activity Club (DAC) is a great way to have fun at work, meet colleagues and feel part of the Dawson community. Often DAC members meet for lunch.

All employees are welcome to join. If you are interested, visit Gianna Smith in 2E.6 to fill out a form so payroll can take $1 off each pay to cover your membership fee. The last event was a St. Patrick's Day celebration with afternoon tea and scones and the next event is Tuesday, April 18. DAC members will enjoy a vegetarian Indian thali meal at lunchtime. All DAC members will receive an email with more info soon. Photo is representational. 

Dawson community mobilizing to identify 1,000 species in 1,000 days

April 5th, 2023

All students and employees at Dawson College are invited to join an initiative to identify 1,000 species in 1,000 days on Dawson’s downtown Montreal campus.

“We believe that identifying 1,000 species is possible but does pose a significant challenge,” said Brian Mader, project lead and a biology teacher at Dawson. “We invite all students and employees to join iNaturalist. The more people from our community who participate, the higher the chances of reaching our goal. This project will also nurture our Dawson community and encourage people to go outside and enjoy Nature.”

To find out how to participate and read the homepage news story, visit the link below.

Read more about: Dawson AI Update at DawsCon

Dawson AI Update at DawsCon

April 5th, 2023

At the opening of DawsCon on March 24, Dawson AI lead Joel Trudeau gave some updates about the last three years of the Dawson AI initiative: “We are grateful to put on an event like this with our colleagues in Computer Science spearheaded by Victor Ponce and are especially pleased to have students actively contributing…

C’est la Francofête à Dawson le 27-30 mars

March 22nd, 2023

Le comité est heureux de vous dévoiler la programmation de cette édition 2023 qui se déroulera durant la dernière semaine de mars : lundi 27, mardi 28, mercredi 29 et jeudi 30 mars.

Certaines activités (conférences, visionnements et rencontres, poésie) auront lieu durant la journée, tandis que nous avons choisi de mettre nos événements « tête d’affiche » le soir afin de favoriser la venue du plus grand nombre de classes possibles. Nous sommes également très heureux de pouvoir collaborer avec les programmes de travail social et de sciences de l’environnement du collège Dawson pour deux de nos événements.

Pour réserver une séance : envoyez un message à Laëtitia.

Pour consulter le programme :

Read more about: DawsCon, A.I. workshops and Data Journalism challenge this weekend

DawsCon, A.I. workshops and Data Journalism challenge this weekend

March 22nd, 2023

On Friday, March 24, Dawson College will be hosting a free conference for educators and industry, and a subsequent weekend Data Journalism Challenge (March 25-26) aimed at students of any background. Attendees will be exposed to a wide range of AI topics from challenges of ChatGPT in education to ethics and bias to data manipulation and machine learning,…

Literary duo Arizona and Heather O’Neill share thoughts on Dawson experience

March 22nd, 2023

Ahead of their guest appearance at a Dawson Reads event on March 22, Arizona O’Neill (Fine Arts, 2013) and Heather O’Neill (Social Science, 1992) shared some thoughts on their Dawson experiences, the creative process and writing. Thanks to organizer and English teacher Sarah Gilbert for interviewing the mother-daughter duo.

For the short Q & A with the O'Neills, visit the link below.

Professional Theatre presents Watching Shadows March 22-25

March 22nd, 2023

The disappearance of Rakel, a young Norwegian girl, while on an exchange trip to Italy sends her friends and family into a whirlwind of emotions. As the days pass and the tension rises, they are faced with unknown emotions and grief, all reacting in different ways while confronting the harsh reality of the world they live in. Watching Shadows is performed by the second-year students and directed by Stefanie Buxton.

The play runs from Wednesday, March 22 – Saturday, March 25 at 8 p.m. at Dawson's Theatre.

Tickets are free and are available through the link below.

5th annual SPACE writing competition: winners and honourable mentions

March 22nd, 2023

In 2022-2023, SPACE held its fifth annual writing competition. Students from all disciplines across Dawson College were invited to submit writing that offered a personal interpretation of this year’s theme, What IfThe submissions were divided into three categories––prose (fiction and creative non-fiction), poetry and essay––and were judged in a blind fashion by Lois Valliant (retired Faculty, Fine Arts) and Hannah Rahimi (Faculty, English).

Entries were evaluated according to originality and depth of thought, style, arts-sciences connections and relation to the theme. The winners received gift certificates from Argo Bookstore, and the winners and honourable mentions have been published and highlighted in the SPACE web magazine.

Stay tuned as well for the announcement of a public reading by the winners and honourable mentions during the first week of May for SPACE Week.

You can read and comment on their thought-provoking work in the link below.

VIB Tour stops at Dawson March 29

March 22nd, 2023

A fun and free event promoting well-being for all and physical fitness is coming to Dawson Wednesday, March 29 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. in 3C.1.

Students are invited to register for free on the VIB-Essence app for La Tournée VIB-Essence. The program includes Pound (“rocking out”) fitness sessions, glow-in-the-dark yoga, free snacks and fun. If there is space, staff are also welcome to attend.

“The VIB tour only makes a few campus stops every year so I think Dawson students are lucky to have this opportunity,” said Julie Gosselin of Student Health Services, Dawson’s VIB coordinator. The event is sponsored by the RSEQ, Sports Experts and the Quebec Government.

25th Edition of Artists in Bloom is April 20

March 22nd, 2023

Springtime means that Artists in Bloom is back! The event will be in-person on Thursday, April 20 at 5:30 p.m. in 3C.1 It will also be possible to buy prints online from April 11-28. This year will be the fundraising event’s 25th annual edition— a quarter century! We are excited to welcome you to the event and to see what our talented student artists will produce. Advance tickets are only $20 and will be for sale as of Monday, March 27 in 2E.6 and 4A.1 Your ticket gives you entrance to the event, one drink and hors d'oeuvres.

For the details, see the homepage news story in the link below.

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Last Modified: April 5, 2023


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