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Winter Wellness Series launches Feb. 27

February 7th, 2024

The Peace and Sustainability Winter Wellness Series will launch on Tuesday, Feb. 27 with a Living Campus biophilic tour and a hands-on indoor gardening workshop. All participants will receive a house plant!

The plan is to offer a wellness workshop/event each month of the semester.

To participate in the Feb. 27 workshop, which will take place from 12 PM to 1 PM, you must register. Register here

Read more about: Push-up challenge for staff and students

Push-up challenge for staff and students

February 7th, 2024

From now through Feb. 23, all staff and students are invited to participate in the Push-up Challenge. How it works: Sign up as an individual or a team: Download the app and track your progress there Do 2,000 reps of any exercise (Feel free  to do lunges, squats , skipping rope, jumping jacks, whatever…

Don’t miss Leopoldstadt: on now through Feb. 17

February 7th, 2024

Sir Tom Stoppard’s play Leopoldstadt had its Canadian premiere at the Dawson College Theatre on Feb. 7. Directed by Matt Holland, the play features the 2024 graduating class of Dawson’s Professional Theatre program. Shows are happening on Feb. 8-9-10 and Feb. 15-16-17.

Here’s what one student acting in the play said about it: "I think audiences can look forward to being thrown off. It's funny, it's sad, it's a family story. Families have history: they have fights, they have losses, they have good moments, and each member just wants to be a part of it." - Frida Flores

For more about the play, read the Jan. 25 story.

To get your tickets, visit the link.

DCMUN update

February 7th, 2024

A delegation of 49 students in Dawson College Model United Nations (DCMUN) participated in the Dawson delegation to the McGill Model United Nations conference (McMUN) Jan 25- 28. McMUN is one of the premier Model UN conferences in North America, attracting nearly 2,000 student delegates from universities and colleges across North America and from around the world.

Magalie McKay, DCMUN Head Delegate at the McMUN conference described her experience:

“I was in absolute awe with the McMUN conference. In addition to working with talented, well-spoken, and driven delegates from around the world, it was an occasion for me to improve my public speaking and to think outside the box, to imagine innovative ideas to solve, or at least alleviate, world issues. McMUN was also an opportunity to create strong bonds with delegates from all over the globe.”

“It is truly shocking to see how close you can get to someone in four short, albeit emotionally charged, days! Moreover, as Dawson’s Head Delegate, I worked to develop leadership skills and I had the privilege of getting to know both McMUN’s secretariat and Dawson delegates personally, thus making me all the more attached to and invested in the conference.”

For the first time ever, DCMUN students will be headed to Massachusetts to attend the Harvard National Model United Nations conference Feb. 15 -18. They will also be attending other local college and university conferences throughout the semester.

Submitted by Nancy Rebelo (Dawson College Model United Nations Coordinator)

Free Video Game Playtesting Event on Feb. 23

February 7th, 2024

The Independent Video Game Design program is presenting a new edition of its bimonthly indie game playtesting event in room 3C.1 of Dawson College on Friday, Feb. 23 from 6 PM to 9 PM.

The Playtest @ IVGD event will showcase over a dozen new independent video games created by local developers including current Dawson students, graduates, IVGD faculty, and several Montreal-based indie studios.

Come celebrate the emerging talent in Montreal's continually growing game development scene by trying out the games, chatting with developers and enjoying a few snacks.

The event is free and open to all ages. Full details available in the link below.

Pictured in the image, from left to right: Dion by Baobab Games, Shards Between Us by Queensgard Games, and 9-To-Fight by Osama Dorias.

Social Science Week is Feb. 12-15

January 24th, 2024

There is a diverse array of speakers and topics to interest everyone at Dawson’s Social Science Week 2024, from Monday, Feb. 12 through Thursday, Feb. 15. All events are taking place in 5B.16 at Dawson and every day concludes with a Cinema Politica film screening at 6:30 PM.

Check out the schedule here:

Teachers, please register your class here:  

Try out Campus Rec offerings for free!

January 24th, 2024

Campus recreation has a whole schedule for employees and students to get moving and feel good.

There are classes in pilates, yoga, circuit training as well as badminton, weight training, martial arts, volleyball and rock climbing.

Open House is Feb. 5-16 and everything is free!

Check out the schedule here:

For more info: email

Street art mural created by students brightens up hallway

January 24th, 2024

Twenty-four students took part in a street art mural project in December at Dawson. Their work has added colour, beauty and a youthful feel to the 2C hallway, the location of student clubs and close to common spaces of the college.

This art project was fully funded by Equitas, a nongovernmental organization based in Montreal that works to advance human rights in Canada and around the world. The project was overseen by MU Mtl, which has a mission to beautify the city of Montreal by creating murals.

For the homepage news story, including interviews with some of the students involved, visit the link below.

1,000 Species, a year in review

November 29th, 2023

Birds, beetles and fungi, oh my! Our 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days project has been running for a full year now.

Over that last year, students, faculty and staff have all contributed their talents and curiosity to get as many species identified on campus as possible. Our count after one year is 820 species, with 3,916 total observations and 279 people contributing to the project.

We have made amazing strides over the past year. However, as we approach 1,000 species, we will have to work harder than ever. If you would like to get involved, or get your classes involved in the spring, email

Happy identifying  everyone!

Photo: Red Milkweed Beetle on milkweed.

Submitted by Brian Mader, Faculty, Biology

Looking for Student Editors for the Dawson English Journal

November 29th, 2023

The Dawson English Journal is currently looking for student editors (from any program) to join its team as it prepares its 15th edition. Interested students can email

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Last Modified: February 7, 2024


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