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Read more about: New gift-wrapped partnership with Alexis-Nihon

New gift-wrapped partnership with Alexis-Nihon

November 17th, 2021

For years, the Alexis-Nihon shopping centre across the street has been like a second home to the Dawson community – from dashing over (through the tunnel in bad weather) for lunch to getting groceries or doing a little shopping. Dawson will see an extension of its relationship with Alexis-Nihon this holiday season when all proceeds…

Thank you Team Open House 2021

November 3rd, 2021

Dawson’s Open House 2021 was reimagined this year to help visitors experience the best version of the College and all it has to offer. We achieved record-breaking attendance by keeping the best elements of the first online Open House in 2020 and introducing new features and in-person tours for the first time since 2019.

Gone were the one-hour waits to have questions answered and navigating a hot, loud and crowded building. This year the maximum wait time for a question was not more than 2-3 minutes during the chat sessions for Open House on Oct. 24. Team Dawson Open House 2021 made sure the event was useful, smooth and pleasant for everyone.

Director General Diane Gauvin and Academic Dean Robert Cassidy would like to thank the more than 150 faculty members, current students and deans as well as managers, professionals and support staff from the Registrar's Office, the Communications Office, the Sustainability Office, Information Systems and Technology, Student Services, the Office of Academic Development and more.

Special thanks to Carey-Ann Pawsey, Jennifer de Vera, Lucy Segal, Ivana Bonaduce, Catherine Fusk, Marien Griffin, Dianne Hawryluck, Irene Kakoulakis, Antonina Nobile, Michele Pallett, Julie Pellegrino, Madalina Radu, Jane Valihora, Diane Wong, Carmela Gumelli, Julie Brosseau, Laura Paterson, Tommy Diamantakos, Maxwell Jones, Mylène Saucier, Dana Dragomir, Donna Varrica, Christina Parsons, Jonathan Perlman, Chris Georgieff, Pat Phutthavong, Virginia Law.

Click Read More for the report about our successful Open House 2021.

Open House 2021

October 13th, 2021

Open House 2021 is already underway!

Prospective students and their parents can check out the Open House microsite, explore 27 pre-university and technical programs and watch the related videos about the most frequently asked questions.

The key date for Open House is Sunday, Oct. 24: a How to Apply Webinar on Zoom will be offered at 11 a.m. and at 12:15 p.m. and the Chat sessions for programs and profiles will be open from 2 to 5 p.m., allowing students to ask their questions to faculty members and academic advisors.

Living Campus tours will be available by appointment on:

Wednesday, Oct. 27:  4-7 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 28:  4-7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 30: 1-4 p.m.

Click Read More to go to Dawson's Open House 2021 microsite.

The new age of Open House, recruitment and program promotion

September 29th, 2021

To say that everything has changed since March 2020 is an understatement. For educational institutions that rely heavily on in-person interaction at every level, recruitment activities have been particularly challenging to showcase the best we have to offer while respecting necessary COVID-19 measures.

For the second year, Dawson will host a virtual Open House on Sunday, Oct. 24. The day’s activities will be held in two parts: at 11 a.m. and at 12:15 p.m., there will be webinars on how to apply given by Admissions and Advising. After, prospective students and parents will have a chance to ask questions online. The Q&A will be moderated.

Later in the afternoon, live chat sessions will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. during which prospective students can engage in one-on-one chats with teachers in the specific programs they are interested in. A minimum of two program/profile representatives are encouraged to participate in the chats and are asked to fill out the form under Non-Academic Services on Omnivox to provide names and information no later than Sept. 30 so that a sufficient number of licenses can be arranged.

Technical programs may choose to augment their program promotion efforts with a number of different online and in-person options that are being presented to them, bearing in mind pandemic precautions and measures that must be respected for “non-essential” activities on campus.

Click Read More to go to the Open House microsite.

Guidance Counsellor Days are Oct. 8 and Oct. 14

September 29th, 2021

Guidance Counsellor Days will take place on Oct. 8 for the English sector and Oct. 14 for the French sector.

These are important events to share updates about applying to Dawson and to promote the spotlight programs to high school guidance counsellors.

This year the spotlight programs are Community, Recreation and Leadership Training (CRLT), Laboratory Technology (Analytical Chemistry), and the Languages Profile of the Arts, Literature and Communication Program.

The host for the English session will be Donna Varrica (Communications Office) and the host for the French session will be Julie Brosseau (Registrar's Office).

Back to school in the news

September 1st, 2021

Students returning to Dawson on Monday, Aug. 23 was a big news story. Here is the coverage:

City TV

Global TV 

Canadian Press


The Montreal Gazette

Dawson’s commitment to being carbon neutral forever featured

September 1st, 2021

Un point cinq, an online news site that is Quebec's leading climate change media, featured Dawson as a CEGEP committed to taking action on climate change.

See the August feature here:

Donna Varrica appointed Communications Coordinator

September 1st, 2021

Donna Varrica, Dawson’s former Communications Coordinator (2001-2019), will be back in her position for a period of six months to a year which began on Monday, replacing Megan Ainscow. Since leaving Dawson, she has worked on various communications and teaching projects with Concordia University, École Polytechnique, the English Montreal School Board, and the Institut de recherche clinique de Montréal. Happy to be back, she is looking forward to reconnecting with the community and meeting the new and evolving challenges the College will face in the next several months.

New Viewbook online and soon in print

September 1st, 2021

Dawson's new 2022 Viewbook is online and will be available in print soon. Information on every program and profile of study as well as student life is nicely featured with upgraded photos and graphics.

Click Read More to virtually flip through the full version or the condensed version.

As of Sept. 13, you can consult a printed copy in Academic Advising (2D) or in the Communications Office (4A).

Parents Night is Sept. 8

September 1st, 2021

Parents Night is set for Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 7 to 8 p.m. and invitations to parents of first-year students have been sent.

This is an opportunity for parents to learn more about the College. It will be a webinar Q&A with a variety of representatives from the College. If you need more information, contact the Communications Office.

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Last Modified: November 18, 2021


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