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Read more about: A heartfelt thank you!

A heartfelt thank you!

June 16th, 2020

A heartfelt THANK YOU from the Awards Office to the MANY faculty and staff members who helped support the Awards Office in the offering of the awards to our awesome students this semester (you know who you are)! Thank you for taking your valuable time to: Participate in one of the many Awards Selection Committees-…

New Dawson Blues Band video release today!

June 16th, 2020

The Dawson Blues Band (the DBB) has grown to 18 members now! They have put together a new video to cheer us and raise support for the students of Dawson College who could use some help.

The name of the DBB song is: “With a lot of help from our friends” inspired by “With a Little Help From My Friends” by the Beatles (released in 1967) and by Joe Cocker (released in 1969) and “You've Got a Friend" by Carole King (released in 1971).

"I want to congratulate all the participants for the great work you accomplished for this project," said organizer and musician Vincent Maggiore (Business Administration).

Enjoy the DBB video, released today for you in the Read More link.

If you enjoy it and can help out, consider a donation to the Dawson College Foundation for the Dawson Financial Aid ProgramThe community and our friends have now donated more than $5,000. More news to come in August.

The DBB plans to be back in the Fall with more great music for us!

Read more about: Golf Tournament cancelled

Golf Tournament cancelled

June 9th, 2020

With a heavy heart, last week the Board of Directors of the Dawson College Foundation decided to cancel the 15th Annual Dawson College Foundation Golf Tournament, which was originally scheduled to take place June 10 at Summerlea Golf and Country Club. The organizing committee was working so hard over the last few weeks trying to re-imagine the…

Dawson Blues Band releasing new video Tuesday, June 16

June 9th, 2020

The Dawson Blues Band has grown to 18 members, all employees of Dawson College, and they are working on their next release, set for next Tuesday, June 16. They want to lift us all up and raise support for our students through the Dawson College Foundation for the Dawson Financial Aid Program.

To send us all off on a happy note, their last video before the summer break will be With a Little Help from My Friends by The Beatles.

Did you see their first video? The Dawson Blues Band released Lean on Me on May 19. Link to the video is in the Read More link.

Thank you!

June 2nd, 2020

We asked and the Dawson Community and friends of Dawson responded. The COVID-19 Student Financial Aid Fund has reached just shy of $5,000.

Special thanks to all who are participating in the Dawson Blues Band led by Vincent Maggiore (Business Administration) and everyone who donated and shared the needs of our students on social media.

The full amount will be dedicated to the Dawson Financial Aid Program. Student Services and the Dawson Foundation are working on the details of how the funds will benefit students.

More news to come in the next few weeks!

If you would like to help us reach an even $5,000 from the community and friends of Dawson, make a donation.

Lean on Me by the Dawson Blues Band

May 19th, 2020

The Dawson Blues Band presents Lean on Me, their first video. It features the contributions of a dozen Dawson employees who would like to cheer you.

You can show your appreciation by supporting our students with a donation to the Dawson College Foundation's COVID-19 Student Financial Aid Fund.

Go to the video and turn on the sound in the Read More link.

The “why” of the Dawson Blues Band

May 12th, 2020

The Dawson Blues Band has been actively preparing for the launch of their first video, Lean on Me, slated for Tuesday, May 19. The premiere of the first song will be a celebration to cheer the Dawson College community and friends of Dawson. Click Read More for the homepage news story and more information to help and get involved.

Today is Giving Tuesday Now

May 5th, 2020

Dawson, help us show the power of generosity today on Giving Tuesday Now, a global day of giving and unity for those impacted by COVID-19 and its economic fallout.

Thanks to all who have contributed to date, we have now raised over $3,600 for our students in need.

You can still help:





Student elected to Dawson Foundation Board

April 28th, 2020

John Nathaniel Gertler, a student in Environmental Studies and a member of the Dawson Blues Basketball team and the Green Earth Club, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Dawson College Foundation April 23.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Steven Pinker lends his support to COVID-19 Student Fund

April 21st, 2020

Eminent Harvard professor, world-renowned psychologist and author Steven Pinker (Class of 1973) is supporting Dawson's efforts to raise funds for students in need. An estimated 1,700 Dawson students may be having trouble covering food and rent expenses.

Dr. Pinker sent this quote to Dawson College last week:

"For more than fifty years, Dawson has been educating people from all parts of society to make contributions to all walks of life. As a proud alumnus, I encourage you all to support this generation of Dawson students, who on top of all the challenges of college are facing additional hardships in this unprecedented crisis."

To date, thanks to your contributions and donations from friends and alumni, Dawson College has raised just shy of $2,000, with more expected soon.

You can help us support our students in need. Please consider making a donation and sharing your support on social media.

You can watch a video of Dr. Pinker's personal lecture reminiscing about his time at Dawson here: 

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Last Modified: February 14, 2022


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