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DC Model UN delegates “gaveled” and received honourable mentions at SSUNS

November 30th, 2023

The Dawson College Model UN (DCMUN) team had a great experience at the Secondary Schools’ United Nations Symposium (SSUNS) conference hosted by McGill University Nov. 9-12.

"Gaveling" is the highest award in the Model UN world and three Dawson students "gaveled" and others received honourable mentions.

For the homepage news story, visit the link.

Two new awards to be presented at Fall Awards Night

November 29th, 2023

Dawson College is holding our annual Fall Awards Night on Nov. 30.

“We will celebrate our students who are committed, perseverant, hard-working, caring and kind,” said Academic Dean Leanne Bennett. “The achievement of our students is our collective achievement- the ultimate result of the dedication of our teachers, support staff, professionals and managers and is, of course, shared with our students’ parents, activity leaders and coaches.”

Visit the link for the homepage news story about the two new awards that will be presented.

Great year for the Dawson Foundation

November 29th, 2023

Twenty projects to benefit students received funding in 2023 thanks to new funding available from the Dawson Foundation.

The new Student Academic Enrichment Fund (SAEF) received applications and provided funding for projects in the winter and fall 2023 semesters. Several projects would never have taken place without the new SAEF.

Read all about the last year at the Foundation in the Annual Report available in the link below.

Thousands of bulbs planted on campus this month

November 24th, 2023

Student volunteers worked with the Office of Sustainability on Nov. 14 to plant 2,700 bulbs in the Peace Garden in just two hours! Five hundred of those bulbs were planted around the big tree in the Chiefs’ Garden, Jenn de Vera said.

The volunteers planted more bulbs in other areas around the campus later that week. Pink bulbs were planted near Anastasia’s tree, which was planted in memory of Anastasia De Sousa. Around the Peace Pole, blue and red bulbs were planted to represent the new partnership with Canadore College. The North Bay college received some bulbs from Dawson and will be sending photos in the spring of their blooming campus.

A total of 4,000 bulbs were planted at Dawson in the Peace Garden and the Three Sisters Garden. Hundreds more have been gifted to partner institutions and organizations.

The tulips and spring bulbs were purchased from a Dutch wholesale supplier by the Dawson Foundation. It was Dawson’s biggest bulb order ever.

Dawson moose activity made the news

November 8th, 2023

The First Peoples’ Centre hosted a traditional moose field dressing and cookout on the west grounds of the College on Oct. 24. Under the guidance of elders and knowledge holders, Cree, Inuit and Kanienʼkehá꞉ka students participated in the preparation, while welcoming other members of the Dawson community to participate as well. Over the course of the day, students from many communities were able to reconnect with customs not commonly practiced in our urban setting.

Tiawentí:non Canadian of the First Peoples’ Centre oversaw the planning of the successful event that will generate other learning opportunities over semesters to come. This winter, students will tan the moose hide during an outdoor activity, and Brian Mader of the Environmental Science program will use the moose skull for a biology course activity. The food prepared during this initiative will feed students at the First Peoples’ Centre well into the winter semester.

The First Peoples’ Centre thanks Living Campus and the Dawson Foundation for providing a chest freezer for food storage following the event.

CBC News was on campus to report on the activity. See their coverage of the story here:

Photo credit: Tristan Beauregard 

Call for proposals for the Student Academic Enrichment Fund

October 25th, 2023

There is an open call for proposals for funding from the Student Academic Enrichment Fund of the Dawson Foundation. Staff and current students are eligible to apply. Applications for projects beginning in the Winter 2024 semester will open on Thursday, October 26 and close on Friday, November 17.

The fund has up to $40,000 available for projects commencing in the Winter 2024 semester. The objective is to fund approximately eight to ten projects. There is an option available which allows applicants to request up to three years of funding for recurring projects.

Visit the link for more info and the application form.

Mitchell Rae Yang is the new Director of the Dawson Foundation

October 25th, 2023

The Dawson College Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of Mitchell Rae Yang as Director.  Mitchell’s first day at Dawson will be Wednesday, November 1.

For the homepage news story, visit the link.

Toward 1,000 species on campus

October 25th, 2023

The Dawson Community continues to observe and log new observations into our iNaturalist community entitled Dawson College -Campus Biodiversity Network.

Everyone is welcome to join and all observations within the Dawson campus automatically count for our 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days.

The current total sits at 817 species on Dawson's downtown city block campus. In the last two weeks, we had:

  • 16 observations
  • 6 new species
  • 1 new observer

Photo: Doug Smyth (physical Education) captured this skunk visiting Dawson.

Dawson students’ Mahsa Amini Initiative wins Forces Avenir

October 11th, 2023

A student-led project at Dawson has won the provincial Forces Avenir award in the category of Mutual Aid, Peace and Justice. On Sept. 27 during a gala in Quebec City, the award was presented to a group of Dawson graduates and students who founded the Mahsa Amini Initiative.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story.

Good times and happy reunions at first Homecoming

September 27th, 2023

“I met my best friend at Dawson and we came together.”

“Dawson made such an impact on me during my first years in Canada; I had to come.”

“There is just something special about the Dawson community and I had to come back and be part of it again.”

These were the sorts of comments we heard from graduates, retirees, employees and even current students who attended Dawson’s first-ever Homecoming on Sept. 23.

Special thanks to the Homecoming Organizing Committee, the staff who worked on a Saturday to make it happen, the teachers who hosted reunions and our event sponsors: the Burgundy Lion Group, Shaughnessy Café and Chartwells Canada.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story and more photos.

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Last Modified: November 30, 2023


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