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Over 100 students in need receive new bursary

February 9th, 2021

Students have greater needs this year so Dawson College is delivering more support. One example is the Dawson College Financial Aid Bursary (DCFAB), which was set up last fall by the Dawson Student Union (DSU), the Student Services team of the College and the Dawson College Foundation. The Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur has provided additional support.

“I am pleased to report that as of Feb. 1, we have distributed $83,250 through the DCFAB to 123 students,” said Monique Magnan, Director of Student Services.

Click Read More for the news report.

Dawson employees bring holiday joy to kids in care

December 15th, 2020

This year once again, Dawson employees mobilized to provide toys and gifts specially requested by children in care of Batshaw Youth and Family Centres. In total, about 25 employees sponsored gifts for 49 children. The photo is of gifts received by Dawson's Coordinator of Secret Santa's, Janice Harvey (Faculty, History), before delivery to Batshaw.

North-South alumni mobilize support for Nicaraguan community

December 1st, 2020

Six alumni of the North-South Studies Profile in Social Science moved into action in early November when they heard that Tuapi, Nicaragua was in the line of Hurricane Eta.

Click Read More for the homepage news story with details of how you can support the community that was struck by two hurricanes last month.

4 ways to celebrate Giving Tuesday today

December 1st, 2020

1. Help students struggling with learning challenges get a costly assessment required to access support from the Student AccessAbility Centre. Donate to the Support for Educational Assessment Services Fund 

2. Feed our students during these difficult times with your donation of non-perishable food. Drop off items at the shipping doors at 4011 de Maisonneuve (parking lot entrance) Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.

3. Become a Secret Santa for children in care of Batshaw. To date, 20 Dawson employees have committed to 42 children. There are still two children waiting to be matched with a member of the Dawson community and there are more kids who are available. Contact faculty member Janice Harvey if interested. You can also refer to this info from the last D News.

4. Support basic needs in Tuapi
, Nicaragua, the community that welcomed North-South students for their Field Trip a few years ago. Two powerful hurricanes struck the community last month. The alumni and community have raised more than $6,000 but are hoping to reach their $10,000 goal to supply food and basic necessities. Donate here.

Howlett family doubles Nursing award recipients during pandemic year

December 1st, 2020

The Howlett family thought that Nursing students needed extra encouragement in the context of the pandemic. This semester, four future nurses from Dawson College were honoured and encouraged by receiving the Anne-Marie Howlett Memorial Award.

Click Read More for the Homepage News story.

Start the Holiday Season with Giving Tuesday on Dec. 1

November 19th, 2020

Giving Tuesday is the annual kick-off to the giving season leading up to the Holidays. It is a worldwide movement to counter the consumer madness of Black Friday.

The Dawson College Foundation once again invites the Dawson community to celebrate Giving Tuesday:

  1. Commit to being a secret Santa Claus for a child in care of Batshaw Youth and Family Centres (Click here for how to participate)
  2. Support the efforts of our North-South students, faculty and alumni to raise emergency funds for Tuapi, Nicaragua, which was struck by a category 4 hurricane (Donate here)
  3. Make a donation to the Support for Educational Assessment Services Fund (SEAS) to provide Dawson students the support they need in order to succeed in higher education and pursue their dreams. These assessments are required for students to receive services they need from the Student AccessAbility Centre.(Donate here)

Read more about: Be a secret Santa for a child in care of Batshaw

Be a secret Santa for a child in care of Batshaw

November 19th, 2020

Every year Batshaw Youth and Family Centres runs a Holiday Gift Campaign to provide gifts for approximately 1,400 children aged 0-17 who are under Youth Protection in the Montreal region. This includes children in foster care and in group homes.  For many of them, this is the only holiday gift they receive. This year Batshaw…

Students can now apply for new bursary

October 20th, 2020

The Dawson College Financial Aid Bursary (DCFAB) is now live. Dawson students may access and apply to the DCFAB by completing the form here.

The goal is to provide financial aid to students who need short-term financial relief.

The bursary is thanks to the collaborative efforts of Student Services, the Dawson Student Union and the Dawson College Foundation. With additional support from the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, a student in need may receive a bursary of up to $1,500.

Read more about: Financial Aid Bursary now live

Financial Aid Bursary now live

October 7th, 2020

The Dawson College Financial Aid Bursary (DCFAB) is now live. Dawson students may access and apply to the DCFAB by completing the form here. Students will be informed soon about the new bursary and how to apply. The new bursary aims to provide financial aid to domestic and international students who need short-term financial relief encouraging them…

Food Bank is open

September 22nd, 2020

The Food Bank is open again for students who need help with groceries. Students may contact Yvonne Dudley by MIO or email to make an appointment. The Food Bank is open by appointment only on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In their appointment request, students need to include their student number and the time they would like to come.

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Last Modified: February 10, 2021


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