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Dawson teacher’s film opens March 30 across Canada

March 23rd, 2021

From writer-director Jesse Noah Klein (Faculty, Cinema | Communications), LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE stars Sarah Sutherland, Jared Abrahamson, Hubert Lenoir, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Margaux Vaillancourt, Amanda Brugel, Sheila McCarthy and Michael Riley.

Distributed by Entract Films, LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE is produced by Colonelle Films and Woods Entertainment.

Dara returns home to reconnect with her husband and her young daughter, whom she left two years earlier. When she arrives, she discovers that a woman who is seven months pregnant has taken her place.

LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE will open in select theatres March 26 and be available on-demand across Canada in English and French on March 30.

Click Read More to see the trailer.

Read more about: Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

March 9th, 2021

Some media coverage of the FPPSE project:  CBC Breakaway interview with me and Concordia student Lucina Gordon: Radio Canada: Winschgaoug, CBC North Interview with Dawson student Alexandria Matthews in Cree The Link, Concordia paper: Noovo NVL Web TV Interview with Michelle at 4:12 FPPSE project website: 

Sustainable Happiness in the news

March 9th, 2021

The Sustainable Happiness course was featured in a French article in the March 8 e-newsletter Infolettre Réseau Collégial. Chris Adam (Sustainability) and Selma Hamdani (Faculty, Psychology) were interviewed.

Click Read More to go to the story.

Dawson student stars in Rustic Oracle

March 9th, 2021

Cinema | Communications student McKenzie Deer Robinson had been interested in acting since she was a kid.

“I was always too shy,” she recalled in an interview with the Communications Office. When she was 16 years old, her mother noticed a call for auditions at the local bank in Kahnawake. “We both thought that maybe this would be my opportunity to try it,” she said.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Two Black Changemakers connected to Dawson

March 9th, 2021

Two of the people honoured last month as Black Changemakers by CBC Quebec are connected to Dawson.

Division 1 Women’s Basketball coach Trevor Williams was featured Feb. 23:

Dawson graduate Denburk Reid (Class of 2000, Marketing and Management Technology) was featured Feb. 10:

Life on Mars statistically probable according to Richard Soare’s research

February 23rd, 2021

Is there life on Mars? That question is propelling the mission of the Perseverance rover, which landed on the Red Planet Feb. 18. It has also driven the research of Dawson College Geography teacher and Mars researcher Richard Soare for over two decades.

Specifically, Richard’s research has focused on finding evidence of near-surface ice in the non-polar regions of Mars.

Click Read More for the homepage news story, which includes a Q and A with our colleague Richard Soare and a link to the CTV News interview with him last week.

Dawson grad a candidate to watch on Star Académie

February 9th, 2021

Queenie Clément (Class of 2017, ALC- Cinema | Communications) is a candidate to watch on the upcoming season of Quebec talent show Star Académie.

Click Read More for the homepage news story with links to her performance and a self-produced video. Plus learn which teacher she remembers fondly.

Second video of Dawson community reactions to AASHE Gold for leadership in sustainability

February 9th, 2021

Click Read More to go to the news brief, which contains the second and final video compilation of Dawson community reactions to the news of being recognized at the AASHE Gold level for leadership for sustainability. You will also find links to the previous two videos and written messages from the Dawson community and to the Dawson community.

Virtual Information Evening draws about 10,000 visitors

February 9th, 2021

Last week, Dawson’s web traffic increased by about 10,000 unique visitors compared to the same period last year. The visitors were stopping by for Virtual Information Evening, which was held Feb. 3.

It is the last student recruitment event before the March 1 application deadline and a great opportunity for potential students to ask questions. In previous years, when the event was in person, it would typically draw about 800 prospective students.

The event featured web content, new social media videos for spotlight programs and chats with teachers, students, advisors and employees.

Some interesting numbers and facts from Virtual Information Evening:

  • 9,192 unique page views of the microsite since launch
  • 943 chat sessions
  • 13,000 video views by 4,500 unique viewers since launch
  • 3 most popular chats:
    • Admissions/Advising
    • Science Program
    • Medical Ultrasound Technology Program
  • Prospective students also participated from other countries: Albania, Guadalupe, Columbia, U.S., U.K., France, Haiti, Philippines.

Participant feedback:  

“I've assisted to two other chats from different subjects before you, and honestly y'all made my day. It just gives the proof that Dawson is the perfect school for me. Thank you so much! I really hope that I'll meet you next year in person.”

Dawson reacts to AASHE gold in new video

January 26th, 2021

We could all use some good news to propel us through this difficult winter.

Many colleagues reached out with reactions in words and videos to the amazing news last month about Dawson College being officially recognized as a world leader in sustainability. All of these words and videos will be shared.

Click Read More for a brief news story and link to a new video compilation of Dawson colleagues reacting. Next month, we will present a second compilation video. May this encourage you!

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Last Modified: March 23, 2021


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