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IVGD attracted over 50 people to playtest event

October 11th, 2023

The Independent Video Game Design program hosted a very successful Indie Game Playtesting Night on Sept. 29.

Audrey Vanasse from Continuing Education and Community Services reported that:

  • We had 78 confirmed tickets on Eventbrite, and it felt like easily that many people showed up, with 50+ visually accounted at once during the peak!
  • We had 12 teams presenting games, including:
    • Our Term 4 students, playtesting their current end-of-year project (which is part of their assignment)
    • A team of IVGD graduates from last year who are working on their first commercial games
    • Several teachers including Osama Dorias, Salim Larochelle and Ramy Daghstani showcased the games they are currently developing with their teams

Elaine Gusella, our Independent Video Game Design Program Coordinator, says "we are already getting a lot of interest for the next edition, which we're hoping to hold in November (date TBD). We're really looking forward to hosting more events as often as we can."

The Professional Theatre Department presents Clue

September 27th, 2023

Up for a murder mystery? The second-year students of the Professional Theatre Program at Dawson College will be performing the hit play "CLUE", written by Sandy Rustin, based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn and directed by Jonathan Monro.

"CLUE" is a 1950s murder mystery/comedy play based off the movie, which was based off the board game. The movie first came out in 1985 and took inspiration from the original "CLUE" (named "Cluedo") board game created by the Parker Brothers and released in 1949. The play follows six guests who spend the evening at Boddy Manor after being sent an invitation from an anonymous sender. When the sender is revealed to be the guests' blackmailer, a series of murders takes place. The guests must find out who the murderer is and discover the secrets inside Boddy Manor before the police arrive.

When: Oct. 4 to 7
Time: 7:30 PM
Where: Dawson College
Cost: Pay What You Can

Reserve tickets here:

Over 2,000 students attended Humanities conference

September 27th, 2023

The Humanities and Public Life Conference took place from Sept. 18-21. The theme this year was What's the Point? Purpose, Meaning, and Value in Challenging Times. Over the span of four days, over 2,000 students attended 20 different presentations.

Our presenters explored how humanities education can help us to ask the bigger questions that guide our everyday actions, helping us to understand what to value and why. Some highlights included two former Dawson students, Silvia Ortan and Andreas Nicolaidis-Gagnon, who shared how they use what they learned in humanities in their careers (law and social work). Overall, we were reminded once again of the impact that humanities can have in helping us navigate a complex and often bewildering world.  From the rise of white power terrorism to the role that AI will play in creativity, our presenters helped students understand how what they are learning in their humanities courses factors into real-world situations.

We would also like to express our thanks to the Dawson administration, FAMA, the theatre department, and David Bannout.  Special thanks to Diana Rice for coordinating three peace week talks during the conference.  Without your help, we would not have been able to offer our students such an enriching week!

Invitation to Neuroscience poster session Sept. 29

September 27th, 2023

Students from the Dawson Research in Neuroscience Group will present their work as interns in several Montreal labs.  The design of their experiments, obstacles they have encountered and interim results will be shared from a number of projects in the area of Neuroscience.

This session will take place on Sept. 29 from 3 PM to 5 PM in room 3H.10. Everybody is welcome!

Light refreshments will be provided.

Simon Davies’ exhibit Something’s a Jar

September 27th, 2023

Simon Davies (retired faculty, Cinema | Communications) has co-curated an art exhibition, along with his wife, Carmen, which is currently running (Sept. 15-Nov. 4, 2023) at the Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (3755 Botrel Ave.), corner of Côte-Saint-Antoine.

Simon described the project:

I made an open call to a number of friends and associates, with the idea being that we could gather, around an art exhibit, to reunite the community after Covid restrictions were lifted. That was awhile ago, as you can see, but finally we have opened.

Participants were asked to find a jar, remove the labels, and install something in the jar that had a reference to their 'memories, dreams and reflections'.

The only rules were; no liquids, nothing outside the jar, and it had to be presented lid down. This last rule was important since, by making this intervention, it transformed the jar into a vessel. I also wanted to make a reference and homage to the Dada movement, that took 'ready mades', mass manufactured items, that could be transformed by interventions. The most famous of these would probably be "The Fountain" (1917) by Marcel Duchamp. As you probably know, it was a urinal that he turned on its back and signed it R. Mutt. It was scandalous, but made history.

We ended up with 66 jars, a number of them made by former Dawson personnel.

CC4C Changemakers recognized

September 27th, 2023

On Sept. 21, four students were recognized as CC4C Creative Changemakers at a gala at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery at Dawson.

The four CC4C Creative Changemakers are: Kessy Ininahazwe  (General Social Science), Elishah Alphonse (General Social Science), Kylie Brown (Cinema | Communications) and Sarah Browne (Graphic Design).

Changemakers Kessy Ininahazwe and Elishah Alphonse made a song entitled “Can't bare no more” about a poem that was written in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. They produced the “song so it can serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for racial justice and the need to celebrate and support black culture,” Kessy said.

The students learned how to produce a song, which was a really long process. “We can also say that we learned how to use our voice and creativity in the struggle for a better world,” Kessy said.

The award “feels really great because we worked so hard for this project and the fact that other people really enjoyed the song feels amazing to me,” she said.

“It is such a pleasure to reward students who have such a dedication for positive change in this world,” said Kim Simard (Faculty, Cinema | Communications) of the Creative Collective for Change (CC4C).

“We are lucky to have incredible students in our midst: curious, critical and creative. May we consistently value their important contributions,” she said.

Kim said that it was a beautiful evening, and that they hope to see more like it in the future. Thanks again to Living Campus and the Warren G. Flowers Gallery for their unwavering support.

Author Dimitri Nasrallah & grad Eden Andrews at Dawson Reads

September 27th, 2023

Students in two English classes were lucky enough to be at the first Dawson Reads event for this school year on Sept. 27 with author Dimitri Nasrallah and graduate Eden Andrews (Class of 2023, Arts, Literature and Communication -Literature).

Eden, who won the QWF College Writers Award last year, read two excerpts from her short story and Dimitri read from his acclaimed fourth novel, Hotline, an autobiographical work of fiction written during the pandemic and set in Montreal in the 1980s.

Dimitri had come to a time in his life where he could face this part of his story and have empathy for his mother's perspective. After reading the excerpt about a meeting between the main character and her son's teacher, Dimitri shared his own journey through education, which began in business ending up with a MA in Literature from Concordia where he teaches. He says he still has some more books to write and is currently writing his fifth novel.

Photo: Liam Lachance (English), Eden Andrews, Dimitri Nasrallah and Sarah Gilbert (English).

Humanities courses helped Dawson grad find his way and his why

September 27th, 2023

What’s the point? was the theme of the Humanities and Public Life Conference the week of Sept. 18 at Dawson and a graduate returned to answer this question in a most convincing way.

Andreas Nicolaidis-Gagnon (Class of 2022, Social Service) only met teacher Daniel Goldsmith after he took his Humanities course online during the pandemic. They continue to enjoy a lively discussion on What’s App about the themes in the Enlightened Consciousness course. It was through this ongoing conversation that Daniel had the idea to invite Andreas back to Dawson to speak to students about the value of Humanities courses.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story.

All are welcome at Dawson Open House 2023

September 27th, 2023

For the first time in four years, Dawson is opening our doors to welcome everyone on the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 22 from 1 PM to 4 PM. No reservations required; just come!

It is important to note that everyone is welcome to visit Open House, apply for programs and attend Dawson, whether or not you hold an English eligibility certificate.

Visit the link for the homepage story with all the details.

Good times and happy reunions at first Homecoming

September 27th, 2023

“I met my best friend at Dawson and we came together.”

“Dawson made such an impact on me during my first years in Canada; I had to come.”

“There is just something special about the Dawson community and I had to come back and be part of it again.”

These were the sorts of comments we heard from graduates, retirees, employees and even current students who attended Dawson’s first-ever Homecoming on Sept. 23.

Special thanks to the Homecoming Organizing Committee, the staff who worked on a Saturday to make it happen, the teachers who hosted reunions and our event sponsors: the Burgundy Lion Group, Shaughnessy Café and Chartwells Canada.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story and more photos.

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Last Modified: October 11, 2023


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