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The new age of Open House, recruitment and program promotion

September 29th, 2021

To say that everything has changed since March 2020 is an understatement. For educational institutions that rely heavily on in-person interaction at every level, recruitment activities have been particularly challenging to showcase the best we have to offer while respecting necessary COVID-19 measures.

For the second year, Dawson will host a virtual Open House on Sunday, Oct. 24. The day’s activities will be held in two parts: at 11 a.m. and at 12:15 p.m., there will be webinars on how to apply given by Admissions and Advising. After, prospective students and parents will have a chance to ask questions online. The Q&A will be moderated.

Later in the afternoon, live chat sessions will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. during which prospective students can engage in one-on-one chats with teachers in the specific programs they are interested in. A minimum of two program/profile representatives are encouraged to participate in the chats and are asked to fill out the form under Non-Academic Services on Omnivox to provide names and information no later than Sept. 30 so that a sufficient number of licenses can be arranged.

Technical programs may choose to augment their program promotion efforts with a number of different online and in-person options that are being presented to them, bearing in mind pandemic precautions and measures that must be respected for “non-essential” activities on campus.

Click Read More to go to the Open House microsite.

First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is Thursday, Sept. 30

September 29th, 2021

Dawson students and employees will experience the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at Dawson College on Thursday, Sept. 30.

Click Read More for the homepage news story, which contains a link to all the programming and resources.

Peace Week continues until Sept. 22

September 15th, 2021

Peace Week continues until Sept. 22.

Noteworthy events coming up:

Sept. 17 at 1 p.m.: Indigenous Scientific Knowledges Deserve Protection and Respect with Dr. Warren Cardinal-McTeague. Open to the Dawson Community.

Sept. 21 at 2:30 p.m.: Relationships as Legacy and Future for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples (virtual event) with Dr. Tracy Lindberg.

Sept. 22 at 11 a.m.: Blackness and Liminality in Post-Secondary Education with Dr. Philip Howard (virtual event with collective viewing options in 3F.43) Faculty Professional Development Event.

Please note that registration is required for most events and that many are online. Click Read More to go the schedule with links to register.

Read more about: Orange Shirt Day is Sept. 30

Orange Shirt Day is Sept. 30

September 15th, 2021

All events and resources about Orange Shirt Day are updated and housed here: Community Artwork: :Using the design of alumnae Wakenhnhiióhstha Montour, Dawson College students will be invited to contribute to a collective community artwork honouring the survivors and victims of the residential school system. Students will be able to add their tile throughout…

Counterpart: students photograph students

September 15th, 2021

The project Counterpart: Students Photograph Students opened last week at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery.  Rhonda Meier, gallery administrator, asked one of the project organizers, Peter Berra, 7 questions about it.

Click Read More to go the homepage story.

Classes go gardening during Peace Week

September 15th, 2021

Many classes, including Anna-Liisa Aunio's Individual and Society class, participated in gardening activities this week as part of Peace Week 2021.

Anna-Liisa's students, mostly in the Child Studies Profile of the Social Science Program, were weeding and documenting insects. They found bees, honey bees, spiders and katydids in the Peace Garden.

"They had so much fun!" Anna-Liisa said. Gardening at Dawson is often a first-time experience for students.

Photo: Anna-Liisa Aunio

Parents Night is Sept. 8

September 1st, 2021

Parents Night is set for Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 7 to 8 p.m. and invitations to parents of first-year students have been sent.

This is an opportunity for parents to learn more about the College. It will be a webinar Q&A with a variety of representatives from the College. If you need more information, contact the Communications Office.

Blanket Exercise open to all Aug. 19

August 18th, 2021

August 19th, 9 a.m. in 5B.16: Diane Labelle will facilitate a Blanket Exercise, open to all employees of the College. This is one of a series of events that will be hosted at the College in August & September leading up to and including Sept. 30, the National Day of Mourning for Residential School Victims and Survivors.

To join this session please click on the link to register: . For any questions, please contact Diana Rice.

A schedule of events will be released over the coming weeks that will invite the participation of the entire Dawson Community. Also, be on the lookout for special displays in the library featuring award winning Indigenous authors & different thematic book resources accessible to the Dawson Community.

If you would like to have a Blanket Exercise facilitated in your class by an experienced Indigenous facilitator, please contact Diana Rice.

Peace Week begins Sept. 13

August 18th, 2021

The 5th Annual Peace Week will kick off Sept. 13 with an in-person beading workshop with Cory Hunlin, Keynote Speaker Tracy Lindberg and cap off on Sept. 22 with the amazing Dr. Philip  Howard's virtual professional development workshop. Full details will be released in the coming weeks through D News and the Peace Centre website. For any questions or inquiries, please contact Diana Rice.

At the Warren G. Flowers Gallery this autumn

August 18th, 2021

Counterpart: Students Photographing Students: Sept. 9-25

Other Landscapes: Anahita Norouzi: Oct. 14-Nov. 25

Professional Photography Graduating Student Exhibition: Dec. 2-10

AEC Photography Program Exhibition: Dec. 15-19

Photo: Anahita Norouzi, Other Landscapes (detail), 2019-20

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Last Modified: September 29, 2021


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