Six staff & professionals completed Sustainable Happiness
May 23rd, 2024
Facilitators Azra Khan and Jenn de Vera led another group of support staff and professionals in the Sustainable Happiness non-credit course. Congrats to our new SH grads of Winter 2024!
In the photo from left to right, here are the grads and their final projects:
- Azra Khan (HR, SH Facilitator)
- Liam Barnes (Industrial Design): Multicultural potluck with Industrial Design students
- Anne-Marie Marko (Library): Created music playlist with song ideas from Dawson community, posted board in library/partnered with Julien who also works in the library
- Skyler Charlie Hudon (CLEO): Wellness pomodoro workshops
- Anastasia Tzeckas (Finance): Community Coffee break for Finance and Social Science & Business Technology departments (partnered with Santa).
- Santa Di Stefano (Social Science & Business Technology): Community Coffee break for Finance and Social Science & Business Technology (partnered with Anastasia)
- Julien Procuta (Library): Created music playlist with song ideas from Dawson community, posted board in library/partnered with Anne-Marie who also works in the library
- Jenn de Vera (Office of Sustainability, SH facilitator)

Six faculty members completed Sustainable Happiness
May 23rd, 2024
Facilitator Holly McIntyre led a group of faculty members through the Sustainable Happiness non-credit course pioneered at Dawson. Congrats to our first SH faculty grads!
In the photo from left to right, here are the Winter 2024 SH grads along with their projects:
- Holly McIntyre (Phys ed, SH facilitator)
- Richard Montreuil (Department Chair, Phys ed): Created a student survey to understand what makes students happy in Phys. Ed. classes and shared results with the group and his department
- Cory Deegan ( Ed.): Adding SH activities and reflections to his Phys. Ed. courses
- Caroline Haddad ( Ed.): (with Layal) Put up a gratitude board in the hallway, provided to the community ways of feeling and expressing gratitude, and hosted a Phys. Ed. gratitude coffee and snack break to share gratitude
- Paul Wasacz ( Ed.): Planting three sisters with his Phys. Ed. class to prepare for the new Indigenous garden and arranging for students to take care of the seedlings
- Layal Nakhlé ( Ed.) (with Caroline): Put up a gratitude board in the hallway, provided to the community ways of feeling and expressing gratitude, and hosted a Phys. Ed. gratitude coffee and snack break to share gratitude
- Brian Mader (Program Co-Coordinator of Environmental Science,Biology): Ran a Bioblitz to identify species on campus

SALTISE 2024 is June 3-4
May 9th, 2024
This year’s SALTISE conference will be June 3-4 at Concordia University. Registration is free!
Come and engage with the innovative ideas represented in over 90 presentations, including work from 20+ Dawson colleagues, across disciplines such as Psychology, French, CRLT, Physiotherapy, Chemistry, Physics, and more.
Engage with renowned experts in the field of teaching and learning, including AI, collaborate with fellow educators, and explore topical ideas.
Don’t miss the special sessions that dive into the impact of AI on education and the roundtable discussions about transitioning to teaching in French.
This year’s conference will launch the start of a special category: a poster session showcasing research conducted by college-level students. This session aims to provide college students (and their instructors) a venue to engage in an authentic experience of sharing the results of their course research projects. Don’t miss out on this enriching experience!
To read more about the Conference and to register, visit the link.
Encourage your students to enter QWF College Writers Award competition
April 25th, 2024
The 2024 Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF) College Writers Award seeking submissions from Quebec-based students enrolled at one of the sponsoring colleges (Champlain Regional College, Dawson, Heritage, John Abbott, Marianopolis, and Vanier Colleges). This is a great opportunity for a student to get published and win a nice cash prize!
The prize will go to the best short story, poem, or work of non-fiction written in English between August 14, 2023 and June 3, 2024. The winner will be announced at the QWF Awards Gala in Montreal on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, and receive a $1,000 cash prize.
Talk to your students!
Visit the link for all the details.
Take part in the worldwide BioBlitz at Dawson April 29
April 10th, 2024
People around the world will be participating in a four-day BioBlitz April 26-29, including students, staff, alumni, retirees, friends and neighbours of Dawson on Monday, April 29. Take a break and drop by the Peace Garden at Dawson anytime between 3 PM and 6 PM on April 29. This global BioBlitz is part of the City Nature Challenge.
Photo by Doug Smyth
Visit the link for the homepage news story and invite your friends and family to join you at Dawson on April 29!
Upcoming CLÉO Pomodoro Workshops
April 9th, 2024
CLÉO's weekly Pomodoro workshops with technician Skyler Charlie are still going! They will now be held in the afternoon.
The next one is set for Friday, April 19 from 2 PM to 3 PM and will take place in 3F.3. The rest will be on Thursdays (from April 25 to June 13) in 3F.5 from 12 PM to 1 PM.
The goal of these workshops is to work on French tasks (Skyler Charlie will be there to help you), whether it be homework and assignments for students, or conversation and writing-skill development for staff and faculty. There will be a break between two 25-minute working periods during which a small activity will take place to help participants build a sense of community and refresh their minds.
To register, email: shudon@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.
Performa summer 2024 offerings
March 1st, 2024
Dawson College offers support for current teachers and educational professionals to engage in the accredited professional development program for college teachers from University of Sherbrooke. The Performa program encourages continuous learning directly relevant to teachers and professionals roles, taught by Cégep teachers and professionals.
View the Summer 2024 course offering in English that includes
- College Teaching and Course Design (PED601)
- How Students Learn (PED603)
- Fostering Creativity in Teaching and Learning (PRF-751)
The courses are held online and in blended learning format.
The deadline to register if you are new to Performa programs, program or independent study admission will be March 15. Contact Azra Khan, Pedagogical Counsellor, HR for more information.
Performa summer 2024 offerings
February 22nd, 2024
Dawson College offers support for current teachers and educational professionals to engage in the accredited professional development program for college teachers from University of Sherbrooke. The Performa program encourages continuous learning directly relevant to teachers and professionals roles, taught by Cégep teachers and professionals.
View the Summer 2024 course offering in English that includes
- College Teaching and Course Design (PED601)
- How Students Learn (PED603)
- Fostering Creativity in Teaching and Learning (PRF-751)
The courses are held online and in blended learning format.
The deadline to register if you are new to Performa programs, program or independent study admission will be March 15. Contact Azra Khan, Pedagogical Counsellor, HR for more information.
Sixth Dawson cohort begins AI Launch Lab/Dawson AI series Feb. 10
February 8th, 2024
AI Launch Lab and Dawson AI are offering a sixth series of workshops on artificial intelligence beginning Feb. 10.
Registration is open to all college students for a free eight-week online course on Saturday mornings beginning Feb. 10.
Two students who were in previous workshop series shared their thoughts on the experience, uniquely available through this initiative. Visit the link to go the homepage news story.
Social Science Week is Feb. 12-16
February 8th, 2024
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Last Modified: May 23, 2024