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Get ready for Earth Week 2022 at Dawson

March 23rd, 2022

The Sustainability Office, in collaboration with the Peace Centre and other departments, is excited to introduce the fast-approaching Earth Week 2022, which will take place Tuesday to Friday, April 19-22. We would like to give you an opportunity to take advantage of some of the many activities we have planned. You will note that we have a mix of in-person and virtual events available.

You can roam the Lower Atrium shopping for eco-friendly products and/or take a Living Campus tour and learn about the many student-driven sustainability initiatives that have changed the campus! While there will be more to come, certain activities are dependent on direct participation. Please review your schedules, and if interested, request a booking to join us and discover our Living Campus while connecting with others from the Dawson community.

Our Earth Week theme this year is “Well-Being for Yourself, Others, and the Environment.” Inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are happy to announce that our week’s activities and events will collectively touch on all 17 SDGs.

To request class bookings for our events, click here for our events form. If you have any questions, feel free to email

Daily meditation drop-in’s at 12 p.m.

March 9th, 2022

Every day from Monday to Friday, the Dawson Peace Certificate team is offering daily meditation from 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 3E.8. All are welcome. No registration required.

Plan a Blanket Exercise for next semester

December 1st, 2021

As a part of the Dawson College Peace Centre's commitment to decolonization and Indigenization, we will continue to offer organizational and financial support to faculty to host an Indigenous Elder to facilitate a Blanket Exercise in their classroom in the Winter 2022 semester. The Blanket Exercise is an interactive experiential exercise which enables students to understand Indigenous history on Turtle Island (A’nowara’ko:wa) as well as the legacy of colonization.

For more information or to host this activity (or another decolonization or Indigenization initiative) in your class, please contact Diana Rice:


Beyond Orange Shirt Day at Dawson

November 17th, 2021

A committee at Dawson has been hard at work to ensure that Dawson does more than just mark Sept. 30.

Click Read More for a report about Beyond Orange Shirt Day from the committee.

Read more about: Radicalization and intervention lecture presented by the Psychology Profile and Peace Centre

Radicalization and intervention lecture presented by the Psychology Profile and Peace Centre

November 17th, 2021

The Psychology Profile teamed up with the Peace Centre to invite Dr. Michael King (see bio below) to speak to students on Oct. 27. Dr. King joined us virtually during a General Psychology class that forms a learning community triad with an Anthropology and a History course, under the theme of Race, Ethnicity and Migration. The talk on radicalization…

Read more about: Kanien’kehà’ka Elder and Knowledge Keeper Niioie:ren speaks to Outdoor Ed students

Kanien’kehà’ka Elder and Knowledge Keeper Niioie:ren speaks to Outdoor Ed students

November 3rd, 2021

On Oct. 30, Dawson College students in Jonathan Egan’s Outdoor Education Activities course were fortunate to have Kanien’kehà’ka Elder and Knowledge Keeper Niioie:ren Patton of Kahnawà:ke speak to them out on the land. Surrounded by the beautiful trees and varied habitats of Île Saint-Bernard near Kahnawà:ke, students used old logs and moist ground as their…

Students discover Sustainable Happiness on Living Campus tour

September 15th, 2021

Students in Melanie Doyle's Peace and Sustainable Happiness Advanced Studies in Psychology class were the first people to take a Living Campus Tour with a Sustainable Happiness theme on Sept. 13.

Led by Jennifer De Vera of the Sustainability Office and Azra Khan of Human Resources, both trained Sustainable Happiness facilitators, the tour began at the vegetable garden near the Upper Atrium, known as the Theatre Garden. It was offered as part of Dawson's Peace Week 2021 Program.

The students were taken on an outdoor tour that included about 10 stops, including the Peace Garden, the White Pine tree and the rooftop gardens.

In this photo, students Cassandra (left) and Thitrinh participate in an activity on the steps just outside the Upper Atrium. Jennifer and Azra distributed colourful chalks and invited the students to write a few words that make them happy on the steps. At the end of the exercise, the steps were full of colourful happy words. Cassandra's and Thitrinh's words were: coffee, music, animals and family, books, painting.

Employees and students who would like a tour are invited to contact the Sustainability Office to register: 

Peace Week continues until Sept. 22

September 15th, 2021

Peace Week continues until Sept. 22.

Noteworthy events coming up:

Sept. 17 at 1 p.m.: Indigenous Scientific Knowledges Deserve Protection and Respect with Dr. Warren Cardinal-McTeague. Open to the Dawson Community.

Sept. 21 at 2:30 p.m.: Relationships as Legacy and Future for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples (virtual event) with Dr. Tracy Lindberg.

Sept. 22 at 11 a.m.: Blackness and Liminality in Post-Secondary Education with Dr. Philip Howard (virtual event with collective viewing options in 3F.43) Faculty Professional Development Event.

Please note that registration is required for most events and that many are online. Click Read More to go the schedule with links to register.

Help us fill up the Giving Tree for our students in need

September 15th, 2021

Your donations of food are needed to replenish the Giving Tree set up in the Upper Atrium near the Tim Hortons. It will benefit our students who visit the Food Bank in the Financial Aid Office.

Some items that are especially needed include: tampons, pads, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, floss, shampoo, conditioner, soap, body lotion. All non-perishable food and personal hygiene products are welcome. Just check the expiry date before dropping off.

The Giving Tree is your way of celebrating Peace Week until the end of day Sept. 17.

Read more about: Orange Shirt Day is Sept. 30

Orange Shirt Day is Sept. 30

September 15th, 2021

All events and resources about Orange Shirt Day are updated and housed here: Community Artwork: :Using the design of alumnae Wakenhnhiióhstha Montour, Dawson College students will be invited to contribute to a collective community artwork honouring the survivors and victims of the residential school system. Students will be able to add their tile throughout…

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Last Modified: March 23, 2022


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