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After “Rebellion” students discuss climate change at Feb. 18 panel

February 9th, 2021

Five inspiring Dawson students and alumni will discuss their views and actions on the Climate Crisis at the Environmental Seminar at Dawson (virtually) on Feb. 18 at 10 a.m.

The 2019 climate march was featured in an episode of David Suzuki's The Nature of Things entitled "Rebellion". The mobilization of the College was spearheaded by the Green Earth Club. Students will discuss their involvement in the march as youth activists and present their current projects.

Presentations will be followed by a Q & A. This panel is being moderated by Brian Mader and introduced by Anna-Liisa Aunio. Please watch the episode Rebellion, which is available free on CBC Gem here:

E-mail to book your class for the panel.

Peace Centre update

November 19th, 2020

Diana Rice, Coordinator of the Dawson College Peace Centre, is back on duty after 11 months of maternity leave.

“I am excited to get back to work, dream big and continue to collaborate across the College with faculty, staff, professionals and management,” Diana said. “I will begin to plan online Peace Centre activities for the Winter Semester. As always, I welcome the whole community to contact me with your ideas or requests for support.”

Dean of Academic Development Catherine LeBel has also assigned Diana a supporting role as a pedagogical counsellor to faculty involved in certificates.

“We are happy to have Diana back and grateful for the service of Ildikó Glaser-Hille,” said Catherine. “Ildikó ​ did a great job as the interim programming coordinator of Dawson’s Peace Centre. She followed through on Diana’s plans and also made her own unique contribution to the mandate of the Peace Centre. It was a smooth and fruitful collaboration.”

Read more about: Peace Centre Update

Peace Centre Update

November 3rd, 2020

The Peace Centre has had a busy last few months, and the semester is barely at its halfway point. On Sept. 14, the Peace Centre launched its annual Peace Week, Continuing the Conversation: Reimagining, Rebuilding, Reconnecting. Like everything else this school year, we had to adapt to the changing environments and host Peace Week 2020…

Resistance and Resilience opens Oct. 8

October 7th, 2020

Following the success of Skénn:en: Peace and Decolonization (2017) and Queer and Peace (2018), Diana Rice (Programming Coordinator, Peace Centre) prophetically conceived of a project that would provide a space for those voices traditionally unheard and often ignored: Legacy and racialized immigrant communities. Once again collaborating with Rhonda Meier of the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery, the work began in 2018 to create a platform for artists to display their experiences of racism and systemic oppression.

This vision is brought to life in Resistance and Resilience. Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Peace Week continues until this Friday

September 22nd, 2020

Peace Week continues until Friday, Sept. 25.

Click Read More to go to the schedule.

Meditation Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

September 8th, 2020

As part of Dawson's commitment to well-being for all, everyone is welcome to join faculty members Johanne Rabbat, Madeleine Côté and Daniel Goldsmith for meditation sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2-2:30 p.m. No experience is necessary; instruction will be provided. Sessions begin Tuesday, Sept. 8 and will continue until the end of classes.

Link to join in Read More.

Peace Week is Sept. 13-25

September 8th, 2020

Peace Week is almost here! Make sure you check out the schedule of speakers and events.

News story in the Read More link.

Read more about: Peace Week 2020 is Sept. 13-25

Peace Week 2020 is Sept. 13-25

August 25th, 2020

While it seems like it was only yesterday that the world came to a shuddering stop, it also feels like this pandemic has been going on for over 600 years. In this strange too-short-too-long span of time, we have witnessed and lived through an entire history book of events, movements and phenomena. Though they may…

Read more about: Justice, Peace and Waking Up

Justice, Peace and Waking Up

June 16th, 2020

It is safe to say that most of us—if not all—watched the last two weeks with horror and anger at the murder of another unarmed Black man. Coupled with the recent worldwide events, this cataclysmic turning point laid bare the deep roots of racism and discrimination embedded in our social architecture. It’s not a new…

Meditation with Daniel Goldsmith extended until end of June

June 2nd, 2020

Due to popular demand, Daniel Goldsmith is continuing to offer guided meditation until the end of June.

Guided meditation is offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 - 2:30 p.m.

Click on the Read More link to join the meditation sessions on Zoom at the appointed times.

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Last Modified: February 9, 2021


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