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Bixi discount for Dawson employees

April 21st, 2020

Dawson employees have a 15% discount on Bixi bike sharing memberships.

The regular annual fee is $97 and Dawson employees only pay $82.45, tax included.

To sign up, email 

For information about using the Bixi service during the pandemic, visit:

Read more about: Virtual Earth Week at Dawson

Virtual Earth Week at Dawson

April 21st, 2020

Tomorrow (April 22) is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which is usually celebrated in a big way at Dawson College with a week-long program of events. This year, Earth Week is going virtual at Dawson and all over the world: Virtual presentation by yogipreneur Bhaskar Goswami (pictured) on Wednesday, April 22 via ZOOM meeting…

Read more about: Making peace with the planet: sustainability, action, and peace

Making peace with the planet: sustainability, action, and peace

April 21st, 2020

The environment has long been the casualty of war, destruction, and ignorance. The violence of armed conflict not only annihilates humanity, shattering ways of life, it also devastates the environment as it becomes either collateral damage, or suffers from the deliberate destruction to accumulate power, leading to the “plunder[ing] of natural resources and the collapse…

Board game and e-book advancing sustainable campuses

April 7th, 2020

Gisela Frias (Coordinator of North-South Studies) was in Mexico last month to promote a board game and an e-book produced as part of the Sustainable Campuses Initiative.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Read more about: A reflection by one of Dawson’s plant caretakers

A reflection by one of Dawson’s plant caretakers

March 31st, 2020

There are 77 people signed up for plant care, feeding fish or taking care of vermi-composts. Some of these individuals represent entire areas like the library and others are individual offices. The first week we actually counted 379 plants and then the second wave of emails came in. I would estimate that we are watering…

Read more about: Caring for Dawson’s plants and creatures

Caring for Dawson’s plants and creatures

March 24th, 2020

Dawson employees care for hundreds of plants in their offices and work areas. This beautiful orchid, pictured, was blooming when the Sustainability Office came by on their plant-care rounds on Friday. The team is ensuring that everyone’s plants are taken care of during the College closure. Any employee who has plants that need care at…

Look who came to visit

March 17th, 2020

This little racoon came to visit the Communications Office March 6. He hung out on the outside of this window, napping and grooming himself, for at least five and a half hours. He attracted a lot of attention and we enjoyed his visit! Chris Adam of the Sustainability Office said that when it gets mild, they go out exploring looking for something to eat. If you spot wildlife on campus, or your new home campus, send us a photo and description of your encounter using the news contribution form.

We have the tools and technology to fight climate change: Elizabeth May

March 10th, 2020

On March 5, Elizabeth May gave a special lecture to Anna-Liisa Aunio's Environmental Seminar, which was moved to 3C.1 to allow over 200 students to attend. Elizabeth spoke about the urgent need to press the government to act on its commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Click Read More for a news report about her talk.

Read more about: Anna-Liisa Aunio & team are finalists for $5 M grant

Anna-Liisa Aunio & team are finalists for $5 M grant

March 3rd, 2020

Implementing Smart Cities: Interventions to Build Healthy Cities is the name of a training platform and research project that is in the running for a $5 million grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Anna-Liisa Aunio (Sociology) is a co-applicant in the multi-disciplinary project led by David Ma of the University of Guelph,…

Humans Who Grow Food features Jenn de Vera

March 3rd, 2020

The more than 300,000 people around the world who follow the social media gardening site Humans Who Grow Food met Jenn de Vera of the Sustainability Office. Jenn and her garden were featured Feb. 24. Click on Read More to see the post on Facebook and photos of Jenn's home garden.

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Last Modified: April 21, 2020


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