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Influence of Dawson’s Living Campus

September 7th, 2022

Dawson’s Living Campus concept has influenced other schools and organizations to become Living Schools, Work Places and even Churches/Places of Worship.

Rev. Neil Whitehouse of Westmount Park United Church wrote a letter to the editor in the Aug. 30 issue of the Westmount Independent to congratulate Dawson on being recognized as a leader in sustainability:

“Huge congratulations to Dawson College on recognition of their tremendous work towards sustainable living (August 23, p. 19). My church is a Living Church as Dawson is a Living Campus, and we both have special ginkgo trees.”

Monarch Butterfly project brings joy and builds Dawson community

September 7th, 2022

In an annual tradition that never fails to awe employees and students with the beauty of Nature, the Sustainability Office distributed 100 Monarch Butterfly chrysalises to employees throughout the College, including to the staff of the First-Year Students’ Office, pictured.

“Taking care of the butterflies together helps us take care of each other and Nature,” said Jenn de Vera, project lead. “This is the most wonderful time of the year at Dawson! Our priority is to involve new people every year and spread the joy.”

At the time of publishing D News, a little more than half the chrysalises had eclosed and all were expected to eclose by the weekend. Every day at 12 p.m. this week, butterflies will be released in the Peace Garden. All are welcome.

To see a little video of the release on Sept. 6, check out Dawson's Facebook post: 

Dawson is Sustainability Institution of the Year

August 24th, 2022

From a field of 56 finalists, many from large universities in 19 countries around the world, Dawson was named Sustainability Institution of the Year by the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education at a virtual awards ceremony in early July.

For the news release and a new video about Dawson's Living Campus, click Read More.

Read more about: Peace Garden needs your HELP!

Peace Garden needs your HELP!

June 1st, 2022

During the pandemic, gardening was deemed essential, however for safety reasons the Sustainability department had only a handful of volunteers. Priority was given to the vegetable gardens so they could donate their harvest to local food banks and the Dawson community. It is now time to give back to the Peace Garden. There is an…

Read more about: Congratulations to our first Environment & Sustainability Certificate graduates!

Congratulations to our first Environment & Sustainability Certificate graduates!

June 1st, 2022

The Environment & Sustainability Certificate had its official launch this semester and we are very happy to congratulate our 17 certificate graduates! Students came from several backgrounds including Health Science, Environmental Studies, Civil Engineering Technology as well as Environmental Science. The graduation ceremony was held on a beautiful sunny day in the Peace Garden. Students…

Read more about: Sustainable Happiness course for support staff and professionals- register by June 20

Sustainable Happiness course for support staff and professionals- register by June 20

June 1st, 2022

“Happiness that contributes to individual, community or global well-being and does not exploit other people, the environment, or future generations.”  -Dr. Catherine O’Brien Dawson students, support staff and external groups have participated in the peer-to-peer Sustainable Happiness educational experience since Winter 2020. The weekly sessions are developed with a goal of reconnecting people, community, and…

Harvest Market returns June 9 to Dawson

June 1st, 2022

On Thursday, June 9, you can buy produce from the Dawson Gardens at the first Harvest Market of the season!

The Harvest Market will be every other Thursday in the Theatre Garden (on the Atwater side of campus, straight out the cafeteria doors) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cash only.

On alternating weeks, the garden produce will be donated to Resilience Montreal, a local shelter.

To stay informed about harvest markets and Sustainable Dawson activities over the summer, follow them on Facebook.

Read more about: Miriam Home and Services is back on campus this summer

Miriam Home and Services is back on campus this summer

June 1st, 2022

Since its establishment in 1962, Miriam Home and Services has been providing rehabilitative, social, community, work and residential resources and services to people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders so they can reach their full potential. Over the years, Dawson has partnered up with the organization to offer its clients a range of work…

One new bird species spotted at Dawson during May birdwatching mornings

June 1st, 2022

In total, 14 people showed up for two early-morning birdwatching events at Dawson last month.

“Although it was unusually cold and migration delayed because of the cold spring, we managed to identify 15 species and add one new species to the Dawson Bird List: a house finch, bringing the total species seen to 55 on campus. A red-tailed hawk and pileated woodpecker were among the highlights,” reported organizer Chris Adam of the Sustainability Office.

A nesting robin is also present in one of the trees, Chris noted. The photo of a chipping sparrow was captured another year by Doug Smyth of Physical Education. The chipping sparrow has nested successfully in the Peace Garden area for three years now.

Swap Your Stuff: new Dawson community Yammer channel

June 1st, 2022

As moving season approaches for many, it’s a good time to let you know that there is a new Yammer group for the Dawson community called Swap Your Stuff- Dawson College. College Nurse Julie Gosselin created it as her final project for her Sustainable Happiness course this year.

“It's basically an online platform to help people find, donate or swap their gently used stuff. Everything has to be free and it is meant to encourage solidarity and reuse amongst Dawson College community members, both staff and students,” Julie explained.

Swap Your Stuff Yammer Community link:

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Last Modified: September 7, 2022


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