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Student sets up mask-recycling initiative at Dawson

November 3rd, 2021

You can now recycle your disposable procedural masks at Dawson thanks to Dawson Professional Theatre student Nathan McDonald, the Green Earth Club (Dawson Student Union), Facilities Management and the Sustainability Office.

Click Read More for the homepage news story that includes the locations of mask recycling boxes as well as information about the student who made this happen.

Do you know a Black Changemaker?

November 3rd, 2021

CBC Quebec is back with their second annual Black Changemakers series.

The project highlights Black individuals whose efforts to make a change are bringing about a meaningful impact and inspiring others in their hometowns across the province. Nominees can be artists, creators, students, healthcare workers, educators, entrepreneurs, community organizers and everyone in between. There is no minimum age for the Changemakers either.

CBC Quebec is accepting nominations until November 5, 2021. Nomination form is here.

Athletic Therapy Clinic open again

November 3rd, 2021

Our Certified Athletic Therapists Kathryn Grzelak, Wing Lee, Robert Kerr and Sonia Adhami are available for appointments.

Periods for possible appointments:

Mondays: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Wednesdays: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Fridays: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Email to book an appointment.

From Hive to Honey jar: Bee workshop for employees Nov. 17

November 3rd, 2021

A hands-on, sticky, and sweet celebration of the beekeeping season coming to an end! Our local beekeeper from Alvéole arrives with two bursting honey frames and all the equipment necessary to extract it. Participants actively participate in uncapping honey frames, turning the manual extractor, bottling the honey and—most importantly—tasting the fruits of the bees’ labour!  Due to health restrictions, we can only welcome 30 participants. We will contact you to confirm your participation.

Wednesday Nov. 17
12 -1 p.m.
Conrod's 2F.4 near the stage

To express your interest, please email

Photo: Several employees, including Jenn de Vera, watched a beekeeper wrap up the bee hives (home to 100,000 Dawson honey bees) for winter on Dawson's 4H rooftop on Oct. 20. 

Read more about: Kanien’kehà’ka Elder and Knowledge Keeper Niioie:ren speaks to Outdoor Ed students

Kanien’kehà’ka Elder and Knowledge Keeper Niioie:ren speaks to Outdoor Ed students

November 3rd, 2021

On Oct. 30, Dawson College students in Jonathan Egan’s Outdoor Education Activities course were fortunate to have Kanien’kehà’ka Elder and Knowledge Keeper Niioie:ren Patton of Kahnawà:ke speak to them out on the land. Surrounded by the beautiful trees and varied habitats of Île Saint-Bernard near Kahnawà:ke, students used old logs and moist ground as their…

Student-initiated Atwater Community Pantry fills a void

November 3rd, 2021

The pandemic brought food insecurity to the fore after job losses, isolation and uncertainty about the future. A group of Dawson students who saw the hardship firsthand by volunteering at the soup kitchen Resilience on the corner of Ste-Catherine and Atwater seized on an idea to create another avenue for food distribution that was anonymous, non-judgmental, accessible at all hours and throughout the four seasons.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

The Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign at Dawson

November 3rd, 2021

Poppies are available on a donation basis at one of the following Dawson locations:

  • Information Booth (second floor atrium)
  • Library Circulation Desk (5C.03)
  • Campus Life & Leadership Office (2E.06)

Lest we forget.

-Submitted by Kaye Francis of Student Services 

Gustave’s visit to Dawson

November 3rd, 2021

Gustave (pictured) attended Dawson for a year and a half with Susan Finch (Faculty, Psychology) in his quest to be a service dog. Some of Melanie Doyle's 401 students met Gustave before the pandemic and invited him to come back on Oct. 16 as part of their service project for the course in positive psychology.

"My group was overwhelmed by the participation and shut it down two hours early after almost 100 students had visited," Melanie said. The line-up of students waiting for some one-on-one dog therapy with Gustave was down the hallway, she reported.


November 3rd, 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in this semester’s College-wide surveys!

We had a record number of employees fill out the survey regarding Dawson’s Policy on Sexual Violence and a healthy response rate for the Sustainability Office’s Transportation Survey.

Feedback from the community is crucial! For the former, survey data and responses will help develop recommendations to improve the policy. For the latter, seeing how students and employees commute to the College helps us see our common carbon footprint and take steps to decrease it.

Message from the Quality Assurance and Planning Office

Reactivating student life at Dawson

October 13th, 2021

Dawson students are very enthusiastic about participating in campus life after having gone without for the past three semesters, according to the Campus Life and Leadership team (CLL) and the Dawson Student Union (DSU).

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Photo credit: Michelle Lee (CLL)

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Last Modified: November 3, 2021


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