CRISPESH is offering a lunch ‘n learn series
MIDI_program_2021-2022_EN For more, visit: https://crispesh.ca/evenements/
MIDI_program_2021-2022_EN For more, visit: https://crispesh.ca/evenements/
Limited spots available for Mental Health in the Workplace, a workshop by Morneau-Shepell on Friday, May 28 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
All employees are welcome to attend this session. Support Staff and Professionals, please seek approval from your manager.
Click Read More for link to register.
The DALC, DawsonAI, and Korbit Technologies invite the entire Dawson community to a talk by the CEO of Korbit Technologies (Iulian Serban), followed by a hands-on interactive workshop on the theme of intelligent tutoring systems. When: Friday, May 7th 2021 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The talk will end at around 3:20 PM and…
CRISPESH is offering one more lunch 'n learn conference on the impact of technology on college students' anxiety. It will be held Wednesday, May 5 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. The talk will be given in French and simultaneous translation in English will be available. Registration is through Eventbrite:
Dawson College opened what Dr. Sabrina Jafralie called a “brave space for courageous conversations” when the educator and McGill University lecturer spoke virtually at Dawson College on the topic of anti-racism on April 28. A brave space is where you “say what you have to say, reflect on it and say where it’s coming from,”…
Dr. Sabrina Jafralie will facilitate a discussion on anti-black racism in Canada and Quebec with a focus on what diversity, inclusion and social equity look like in a variety of cases and situations in educational institutions. She will provide actionable tools for being an ally in promoting anti-racism, and help build a stronger community through dialogue.
With a view to building upon on-going conversations at Dawson and in support of professional development and employee engagement articulated in Dawson’s strategic plan, all Dawson employees are invited to participate in this presentation. This session builds upon presentations geared towards teachers and all staff including those animated by Shanice Nicole, Rachel Zellers, Tiffany Callender and a variety of speakers hosted or co-hosted by Human Resources.
When: Wednesday, April 28, 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Where: Zoom link
*All employees are welcome to attend this session. Support Staff and Professionals who wish to attend should have approval from their manager.
Make a lunch date for your own well-being and enjoyment. There are still 13 more days of free programming and activities offered exclusively to Dawson employees at lunchtime through the 1249 Club, a wellness project sponsored by Human Resources and the Sustainability Office with contributions from services and departments across the College. Two of the…
Peace Week continues until Friday, Sept. 25.
Click Read More to go to the schedule.
At the Dawson College Health Clinic, we continue the conversation of how to be empowered with exercises that can be done from the comfort of your home to maintain healthy habits throughout the quarantine. Our intern students look forward to welcoming you to join our presentations on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m.. Please dress…
Secure your spot in an upcoming Sustainable Happiness introductory course (3 hours) or the Sustainable Happiness Certificate (20 hours). The May session for support staff and professionals is already full. Please indicate your interest and get on the waiting list by emailing sustainability@dawsonscollege.qc.ca Please indicate in your email which of the following courses you would…
Last Modified: September 29, 2021