332 students and staff fed by Dawson Dinin’ in first week
There were already 40 containers dropped off for Dawson Dinin’ by 8:30 AM on Sept. 10, the first day of the free lunchtime service for this school year.
One-hundred and ninety-two free vegan meals were distributed at the two lunchtime services on Sept. 10 and 11 and another 140 people enjoyed an Early Bird Breakfast on Sept. 12.
“The DSU and the Office of Sustainability see this as simple measure of what students need to support their academic success. We had roughly 6 or 7 student volunteers who showed up to work hard and feed their peers!” reported Diana Rice of the Office of Sustainability.
“We would like to thank all of the faculty and staff members who helped spread the word to students who need this service. We appreciate you helping us to help our community! Remember, we love all our volunteers, including employees, so feel free to join the love of community and make well-being for yourself and students a part of your day at Dawson.”
Dawson Dinin’ is every Tuesday and Wednesday and is offered to all students and employees who drop off their reusable container by 11 AM at Conrod’s (2F). Early Bird Breakfast is every Thursday at 10 AM in Conrod’s and breakfast is served on a first-come, first-served basis.
To volunteer, contact Diana Rice, Office of Sustainability.