Help support students impacted financially by COVID-19


Donate Now to the Financial Aid Fund

49% of Canadians are on the verge of insolvency, according to a survey published in The Financial Post on March 30. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reaches its peak in Montreal, it is already having a major financial impact on young people and families.

Surge in demand
Dawson’s Financial Aid Office is anticipating a major surge in demand when students return to the College.

We are calling on our community to consider making a donation to the Financial Aid Fund, managed by the Dawson College Foundation. Your donation will build the capacity of the College to respond to requests for food and emergency relief for our students.

This year is unique
Yvonne Dudley, who manages Dawson’s Financial Aid Office, says this year will be unique.

“Before this happened, we had been receiving adequate donations to the food bank to keep up with demand,” Yvonne said. “Now we expect demands for help will increase.

“Students who usually work at festivals and restaurants in the summer will have a difficult time finding jobs. Students who were registered for the Winter 2020 semester will be able to use the food pantry over the summer.

Counting on Dawson Community
“We are counting on the continued support of the Dawson Community to make sure we have enough to support our most vulnerable students throughout this exceptional time.

Some information about students in need assisted by the Financial Aid Office prior to the closure of Dawson College March 13:

  • More than 1,000 students receive help through Aide Financière aux Etudes
  • More than 100 students actively using Financial Aid Office Food Bank
  • A small number of book bursaries distributed to students
  • Emergency loans/bursaries for students with urgent needs
  • $250/month (10@ $25) worth of food vouchers given to students with greater needs, especially those with families.

Please consider a donation to the Financial Aid Fund




Last Modified: March 31, 2020