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Photo courtesy of Jennifer de Vera of Dawson’s Sustainability Office

Open House 2021: some lucky visitors and record participation

November 3rd, 2021

In just one day, about 1,000 prospective students and their parents snapped up limited appointment-only spots for guided tours of Dawson College at the end of October. Interest in attending Dawson College remains very high, demonstrated by record participation in Open House 2021. More prospective students and parents than ever before participated in activities during…

Student-initiated Atwater Community Pantry fills a void

November 3rd, 2021

Food insecurity is sometimes misunderstood to be an issue only for those without a place to live. While this population is overwhelmingly in need, food insecurity could affect a student living on their own without the means to buy enough food for the week, or a family who has fallen on hard times. The pandemic…

Reactivating student life at Dawson

October 13th, 2021

Dawson students are very enthusiastic about participating in campus life after having gone without for the past three semesters, according to the Campus Life and Leadership team (CLL) and the Dawson Student Union (DSU). It seems students want to make up for lost time, said Michelle Lee of Dawson’s CLL. “I think generally most students…

Dawson Blues update

October 13th, 2021

Student athletes have been enjoying a full fall athletics season at Dawson. “Each additional day that we can play sports is a good thing,” said Sébastien Rivest, the Manager of Athletics at Dawson. “The students are very excited to be back and so are the coaches.” Since March 2020, student athletes had mostly been limited…

Proposed Bill 96 has serious repercussions for Quebec students

October 5th, 2021

Montreal (Tuesday, October 5, 2021)  – The English College Steering Committee, a group of six colleges that offer instruction in English, will present its brief on Bill 96 before the Commission de la culture et de l’éducation today at 4:25 p.m. The six colleges are Champlain Regional College, Dawson College, Heritage College, John Abbott College, Marianopolis College,…

First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is Thursday, Sept. 30

September 29th, 2021

Dawson students and employees will experience the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at Dawson College on Thursday, Sept. 30. A poster in the Upper Atrium explains the significance of the day to the Dawson community: “Wearing orange on Sept. 30 is more than taking part in a popular event. It’s a solemn act to…

Quebec needs our Nursing graduates

September 23rd, 2021

Every graduate of Dawson’s Nursing Program can land a job in the field upon graduation. Many employers are actively recruiting the new nurses before they even graduate. “Hospitals often prefer DEC graduates because they bring extensive hands-on experience,” said Cathy Moore, Chair of Dawson’s Nursing Department. “By the time they graduate, our students have accumulated…

Counterpart: Students Photograph Students

September 15th, 2021

The project Counterpart: Students Photograph Students opened last week at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery.  Rhonda Meier, gallery administrator, asked one of the project organizers, Peter Berra, 7 questions about it. RM. So tell me how this project came about. I understand it started in your first year photo class? PB.  In the fall…

Dawson team reached close to the top!

September 15th, 2021

Graduates of Royal West Academy wanted to continue playing Reach for the Top as they began CEGEP at Dawson last year. The high school friends and teammates formed a Dawson team to compete in the Canadian academic quiz competition for high school and CEGEP students. The Dawson team went all the way to the nationals with…

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the shooting at Dawson College

September 13th, 2021

Montreal, Monday, September 13, 2021 – The 15th anniversary of the Dawson shooting will be marked by quiet reflection in the Peace Garden. No formal commemorations events will be held due to strict COVID restrictions being followed by the College to ensure the health and safety of students, faculty and staff who have returned to…

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Last Modified: September 13, 2021


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