Dawson College Honey Bees Sustainable Dawson ECQ Funded project
Dawson College Honey Bees Sustainable Dawson ECQ Funded project

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The Entente Canada – Québec stems from the law on official languages that promotes the two official languages, French and English.  Negotiated and signed by Patrimoine canadien and Quebec’s Ministry of Education, the Entente supports minority language instruction and second language instruction.  Within Quebec’s higher education sector, grants are awarded through an annual call for proposals open to colleges (cegeps) and universities. Dawson College faculty and staff who have projects that meet the criteria for the grant are eligible to apply.

A complete list of all projects funded within Quebec’s higher education sector can be found here.

Quebec’s Ministry of Higher Education accepts project submissions from post-secondary institutions, CEGEPs and universities.

At Dawson College, faculty and staff who have projects that meet the criteria for the grant are eligible to apply.

ECQ supports ad hoc projects that target diverse needs within a given institution and those that promote complementarity between institutions.  Examples include e-learning as well as the Indigenous Pedagogies community of practice, MakerSPACE, and various Peace Centre initiatives.

SALTISE also receives ongoing support to help educational institutions deploy active learning approaches.  It comprises an inter-order network of educators and educational researchers, a digital professional learning community (PLC) platform, a digital student learning platform and a data analytic infrastructure to monitor and evaluate student success. Educators can receive guidance in adopting active learning approaches, from the use of technological platforms to classroom redesign.

These are only some examples of the types of projects that received funding from the ECQ.

For more information consult:

1. The Entente Canada – Québec website

2. The Internal Coordinator, Louise Paul, lpaul@dawsoncollege.qc.ca

Last Modified: March 25, 2021