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2 Year Programs

Pre-university programs prepare you for entry to university and give you an important opportunity to explore your passions and strengths. Dawson has five pre-university programs and 19 different profiles, which means you have many options and can focus your studies on something you find really interesting.


A profile is a specific stream of a program (for example, Psychology is a profile of Social Science). Although you apply directly to a profile during the admission process, your graduation diploma indicates the program you completed (So, using the above example, your diploma will be in Social Science).

Transition Pathways 1 Year

Springboard pathways are one-year programs that prepare students for entry into another program.

  • Journeys
    A First Peoples College Transition Pathway
  • Explorations Science
    A program for students who are missing high school prerequisites for Dawson’s Science Program

Spotlight Programs


Build bridges between people, cultures and nations by becoming fluent in multiple languages, such as Spanish, Italian, German, Mandarin, Hebrew and Modern Greek.

Liberal Arts

Be prepared for a rapidly evolving world with a classical education in the Liberal Arts. Dawson’s program will give you the broad vision you need to be a difference-maker in society.


Explore and deepen your passion for the written word. This is the profile for enthusiastic readers and aspiring writers.

Social Change and Solidarity

Become part of a close community of students, teachers, and alumni dedicated to social and environmental justice, and experience hands-on learning with local and global partners.

  • 92% of Dawson pre-university program graduates who applied to a Quebec University were accepted.
    Source: Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire, 2018

  • 87% of first-year students would recommend Dawson College to a friend or family member.
    Source: Dawson College Quality Assurance and Planning Office, 2020

My experience at Dawson was a journey of discovery, a continual learning process that got more and more interesting each semester. - Michelle K.