Admission Requirements

  • A Diploma of Secondary Studies (DES) or academic background judged equivalent to the DES
  • Audition

Additional Information



The first step to getting into the theatre program is to apply to Dawson College before March 1st, 2024. You can apply online. If you meet the College’s entrance requirements, your name will be sent to the Professional Theatre program. We will then arrange an audition with you.

Auditions will be held in-person at Dawson College in room 3A.3 on the following dates:

  • Friday, March 28, 2025: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 29, 2025: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 5, 2025: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Appointments will be given once applicants are accepted by the College.


Dates and times are subject to change.

Applicants are required to prepare (memorize and present) three pieces: one monologue of the applicants choosing, a verse from a song, and a performance movement piece which the applicant has created. The whole audition should be no longer than 5 minutes, so time yourself doing all of your pieces.

Before each speech, please tell us the character, play and author.

After the audition you will be interviewed by a panel of teachers from the Professional Theatre Program.

  • One monologue of the applicant’s choosing:  (or you may choose from the list of monologues we provide) If you choose your own piece it must be from a published play with a professional production history.  It should no longer than 2 minutes in length. Note: Speeches from TV shows or films are not appropriate. Monologue list
  • A verse from a song: (a maximum 30 seconds), sung a cappella without any live or recorded accompaniment. It may be from any genre, any time period, and in any language. Apply the same acting guidelines you would to your monologue—to a person, for a reason. PLEASE NOTE: a trained singing voice is not required for admission.
  • An original creative performance (movement) piece: showcasing the applicant’s physicality and imagination (30 seconds).
  • The audition will also feature a short interview

  • Choose material that inspires and excites you.
  • Choose a character close to your own age.
  • It is important that you read the entire play from which your monologues are selected and that you memorize the material that you present.
  • Know what has just happened and what the character is going through.
  • Think about who you are talking to in the monologue and what you want from them
  • Rehearse your speeches before your audition so that you feel comfortable presenting.
  • Please speak in your own voice. No dialects or accents.
  • Remember, the more time and effort you put into your monologues, the better prepared you will be and the more you will enjoy the audition


You do not need previous training in order to get into the program; however, you do need to have a real interest in becoming an actor, and some ability as well. Just make sure that you are well prepared. We are looking for the ability to portray and inhabit an imagined or fictional situation. We are looking for open, receptive and enquiring minds.

Treat the song as another acting challenge. Enjoy the words, enjoy the music, capture the character” of the song, and above all, enjoy the performance. We are not a musical theatre school, so are not necessarily expecting you to be a brilliant singer.

We accept 40 students every year, and they go into two first year groups of 20 students each.


Theatre is a very demanding profession, both for actors and production staff. Please note that several courses will require students to be available after regularly scheduled classes as additional work will occasionally be required in the evenings and weekends.

We look forward to meeting you!

Still have questions: Call or e-mail Jonathan Monro at

Application Deadline

March 1

Last Modified: February 1, 2024