The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong

Playwright: Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, & Henry Shields
Director: Jonathan Monro
Student Groups: Year II, Group 1


A group of actors try to perform their opening night of a murder mystery, but everything (of course) goes wrong. Set pieces fall, doors get stuck, actors say their lines too early, and technical difficulties abound, escalating in complete chaos. The One-Act Play that Goes Wrong is a hilarious take on theatre, showcasing the resilience and determination of actors who carry on despite everything falling apart. Winner of Best New Comedy at the 2015 Laurence Olivier Awards, this play is sure to delight. Directed by Jonathan Monro and performed by the second-year students of the Professional Theatre Program at Dawson College. 


Performance Dates:
  • Wednesday, September 18, to Saturday, September 21 at 7:30 pm
  • Tickets:

Last Modified: September 4, 2024