Twelfth Night

Playwright: William Shakespeare
Director: Stéphane Zarov
Student Groups: Year II, Group 1


One of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, Twelfth Night intertwines elements of mistaken identity, romance, and mischief. After twins Viola and Sebastian are separated in a shipwreck and believe the other dead, they both arrive in Illyria. Viola, disguised as a boy, Cesario, begins working for the Duke Orsino, whom she falls in love with. But the Duke sends her to woo Lady Olivia, whom he is in love with. Olivia falls for the young man, who is actually a woman in disguise. A cagey love-triangle ensues. Meanwhile, Olivia’s servant Malvolio is the butt end of a prank by two noblemen. Directed by Stéphane Zarov and performed by the second year students of the Professional Theatre Program at Dawson College. 


Performance Dates:
  • Wednesday, March 12 to Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 pm

Last Modified: August 30, 2024