External Affiliation

Equipment photo

The program is affiliated with McGill Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics, the Cedars Cancer Center (Glen Site, MUHC), and the Jewish General Hospital.

Affiliated Didactic Site: McGill University

Affiliated Clinical Sites


Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec (OTIMROEPMQ)

OTIMROEPMQ is the professional organization which regulates the three main disciplines of Radiological Technologies in this province. It has published information online for each of the radiological technology disciplines (i.e., Diagnostic Imaging, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology).

In order to be eligible for employment as a radiation oncology technologist in Québec, graduates must:

  • Pass an OTIMROEPMQ certification examination
  • Obtain an OTIMROEPMQ diploma and a certificate from the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF). A one-year temporary permit may be obtained for technologists who graduated outside Quebec; however, the OTIMROEPMQ will not grant a working permit to those who trained in Quebec and have not passed the OQLF exams, even though they may have passed the OTIMROEPMQ exams.
  • Register to become an OTIMROEPMQ member and pay the required membership fee.

Further information may be obtained at: http://www.otimroepmq.ca/

Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT)

CAMRT is a national certifying body for radiological, radiation, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance professionals. As well as defining the national competency profile of radiological technologists, it also provides training and continued education.

Graduates who successfully pass the OTIMROEPMQ certification exams, do not need to write the CAMRT certification exams because of the program’s national accreditation. They simply need to apply to the CAMRT and pay the membership fee to be able to work outside of Quebec in Canada. Some provinces also require technologists to become a member of their provincial order or association.

Further information may be obtained at: http://www.camrt.ca/

Code of Ethics

American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)

Similarly to the CAMRT, ARRT tests and certifies technologists and administer continuing education and ethics requirements for their annual registration. A person is certified by ARRT after completing educational preparation standards, complying with ethics standards, and passing a certification exam.

Graduates from this program are eligible to write “The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists” (ARRT) certification exam.

Further information may be obtained at: www.arrt.org

Last Modified: August 26, 2024