New campaign reflects critical importance of tech education to economic recovery

Eleven of Canada’s polytechnic institutions are championing the polytechnic model of education as the country rebuilds post-pandemic.

“As Canada emerges from COVID-19 and tackles our biggest challenges – an aging population, technology adoption and climate change – polytechnic graduates will be increasingly critical,” says Sarah Watts-Rynard, CEO at Polytechnics Canada, the national association of polytechnic institutions. “Simply put, our graduates have the pragmatic skills to get things done.”

Canada’s polytechnics engaged Leger, a major Canadian market research company, to survey human resources influencers and parents about their perception of polytechnic education. Leger reported that 88 per cent of human resource influencers who hired a polytechnic graduate indicate having a positive experience hiring these graduates overall. Three-in-five human resource influencers say they actively seek out polytechnic graduates when hiring.

“We love hiring polytechnic graduates,” says Steve Pratt, head of engineering at Cytiva, a biotechnology company based in Burnaby, B.C. “They exhibit an ideal and pragmatic blend of academic excellence with hands-on experience.”

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Last Modified: October 27, 2021