Libraries and Databases

There are thousands of research tools at your finger tips. Digitized publications, rare manuscripts and monographs are popping up in libraries all over the world.

Below are some of the databases and archives available for different research disciplines.


Archives Canada (Canadian history, economics, law, political science)

Library and Archives Canada AMICUS (Canadian history, economics, law, political science, art history)

BANQ Bibliothéque et archives national du Québec (Québec history, economics, law, political science)

Modern Languages Association Bibliography (Languages, linguistics and literature)

Online Catalogues of Western Manuscripts (History, philosophy, religion)

The Vatican Library (History, philosophy, religion, art & art history)

The Smithsonian Libraries

The Getty Research Institute

World Development Indicators (Social Sciences)

IHS (Economic, political, industrial )

Jstor *

EBSCO  or Academic Search Primer (Arts & Sciences)*

ProQuest (Arts & Sciences)

Google Scholar

Scopus (Arts & Sciences)*

Duke University Digital Collection (History, art history, literature and more)

Harvard University Digital Collection (History, art history, literature and more)

*These are available to Dawson employees via the Dawson College Library.


The Avalon Project  Document; History, philosophy law, religion, politics  Ancient 4000 bce -present

The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Humanities Source (NB. if you are a faculty member you have access to this database, via EBSCO listed as Academic Search Primer, for free through the Dawson College Library)

Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts (via Proquest)

Literature Resource Centre -Literature

Social Sciences

Collections, journal articles and databases

Anthropology Plus  (NB. if you are a faculty member you have access to this database, via EBSCO listed as Academic Search Primer, for free through the Dawson College Library)

EconLit (N.B via EBSCO, if you are a faculty member you have access to this database, listed as Academic Search Primer, for free through the Dawson College Library)

PsycARTICLES (NB. if you are a faculty member you have access to this database for free through the Dawson College Library)

Sociological Abstracts (via Proquest)

Statistics Canada

Sciences & Engineering

PubMed Central Canada – Health & Life Sciences (NB. if you are a faculty member you have access to this database for free though the Dawson College Library)

GreenFILE  – Environmental Sciences (NB. This is available via EBSCO. If you are a faculty member you have access to this database, listed as Academic Search Primer, for free through the Dawson College Library)

CAB Direct – Agricultural (veterinary sciences; entomology; plant sciences; forestry; fisheries; farming; agricultural economics; food & human nutrition; earth & environmental sciences)

GeoScienceWorld – Earth Sciences

Compendex – Engineering (via Engineering Village)

GeoBase – Geography (via Engineering Village)

Persée – General Sciences French ( if you are a faculty member you have access to this database for free through the Dawson College Library)

There are thousands of Museums all over the world that hold incredible collections of manuscripts, artifacts, art and so much more. Here is a modest list of some amazing museums that provide access to their libraries, research, and collections online.

American Museum of Natural History

The Canadian Museum of Nature

The Getty

The Hermitage Museum

The Louvre

McCord Museum

McGill Redpath Museum

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Royal Ontario Museum

The Smithsonian

The Vatican Museum

Victoria and Albert Museum

Is your favourite site missing? Contact us and tell us about it!

The Dawson Library Faculty webpage also has links to a number of resources, and the librarians are available to help you if you need resources for your research.

Last Modified: July 16, 2024