Opus Card


Please note for new students, you must obtain your digital or physical student ID first as that is the picture that will be used for your OPUS card.



Buy Online

If you meet the criteria below, you can get your card online through Omnivox as of Thursday, August 01, 2024.

Do I need to get a new photo OPUS card?

First, check your OPUS card’s expiry date before ordering a new one. For students under 16, the renewal period may vary. If your card expires on or before October 31, you can get a new card now.

To request your reduce fare student OPUS card, you have to:

  • Be a full-time student
  • Finalized your course registration
  • Have your Dawson Student ID card – the OPUS card uses your ID card photo
    • NOTE: Student ID pictures are available to OPUS after 9 a.m. the day after they are taken.
  • Have a Quebec mailing address
  • Be under 65 years old.


  • Only Visa and Mastercard credit cards with Quebec mailing addresses will be accepted for payment.
  • Cost of the OPUS card is $15.


To order your card using the Omnivox Mobile Application, select:

Omnivox OPUS button

To order your card using a computer, log into the MyDawson Portal and click on the link Reduced fare OPUS Card under My Omnivox Services

Follow the instructions.

The photo on your student card will be used for your OPUS card. The card will be mailed to your home within seven business days.

If you are unable to do it online, you have two other options to get your OPUS card: by mail or at the STM photo studio (1755 Berri Street). For the photo studio, you must make an appointment first.

If you are unable to order your card online or for more information

Please refer to the following link stm.info/student for details.

Contact the STM

Email: https://www.stm.info/en/info/customer-service/contact-us

Telephone: 514 786-4636, option 8, option 6, then option 1

Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This includes graduates of the current semester, students with a minimum of 4 courses or 12 hours per week.

You must obtain the form in person.  Please visit the Campus Life Office in room 2E.4.


Last Modified: January 10, 2025