Illustration and Design Open Studio Live Model

September 2015 to April 2016

The Open Studio Live Model project is an essential part of our students’ life drawing practice. It provided all visual arts students with an opportunity to practice their drawing skills and refine their observational abilities while drawing from live models. These weekly drawing sessions were offered after school one day per week and were highly recommended by faculty. The sessions began in late September scheduled on Tuesdays in the fall and on Mondays in the winter till late-April 2016.

These drawing sessions helped weaker students with extra practice time on a regular basis. Stronger and more advanced students also benefitted by this practice time since it permitted them to gain confidence and speed but also to increase their competency in anatomy, composition, perspective, etc. Students were free to work with pencil and paper, charcoal or even digitally on their Wacom tablets and laptops.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017